House Ethics Committee votes unanimously to investigate George Santos

House Ethics Committee votes unanimously to investigate George Santos

the House's presidential election. A moment of rare agreement in Washington. The House Ethics Committee voted unanimously today to investigate the embattled Congressman George Santos. CBS Tuesday, Brennan here in studio with the details, Dick Christina Marisi. In fact, there was so much to cover that the House Ethics panel created a subcommittee composed of two Democrats and two Republicans looking at a wide range of potential violations. This is polls show that voters still have to be very careful. The House Ethics Committee said that the president should not be there.

He should not be representing anyone, more or less Queens constituents in Bayside Queen seem to welcome an investigation into their Congressman George Santos. What they're doing now is good. He's a liar and he's not fit to run with all the lies he told. The Ethics Committee will investigate whether Santos engaged in unlawful activity with respect to his 2022 congressional campaign and whether he failed to get a job in New York City. The committee will investigate whether Santos's Democratic Congressman Richie Torres and Dan Goldman of New York City filed one of those complaints. All of his lies about his background as education, his employment history, his religion, that doesn't violate any laws as it stands right now. So our Ethics complaint really focused on the specific laws that we thought he may have violated.

The committee will also investigate whether Santos violated federal conflict of interest laws and engaged in potential sexual misconduct towards a volunteer staffer. CBS News exclusively learned that Santos was questioned by the U. S. Secret Service in 2017 about an ATM skimming operation and forced to hand over his cell phone. Santos was never charged, but in a court hearing, he's heard allegedly lying about his work history. So what do you do for work? So what's next? The Ethics panel could theoretically recommend expulsion to the full house, but that would require a two thirds vote. That means 78 Republicans have to decide to be patriots and put country over party and vote to expel him.

A very unlikely scenario to have that vote and also assumes that all Democrats would vote against him. Now Santos says he's fully cooperating with the committee. He says he will have no comment on the proceedings. Christina Maurice. Okay, Dick. Thank you.

CBS2 News At 11, George Santos

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