Hunter Biden's attorney denies Republicans' request for records

Hunter Biden's attorney denies Republicans' request for records

and Fox News contributor Joe Contra. Joe, the most transparent administration president in all of history apparently does not apply in this situation or apparently any situation, right Joe? Well, it's pretty obvious, Todd, that at this point Hunter Biden was involved in, let's be generous as possible, some really shady stuff and not to be so generous, possibly illegally, illegal activity, which is why there's a federal investigation going on right now. Take Congress out of this, there is a federal investigation going on right now into Hunter Biden. And the question that keeps coming up is, did the president profit off of these business dealings by Hunter Biden? Is he compromised by the Chinese, who's our biggest adversary, and others right now? And not even just Joe Biden, but James Biden, his brother, he denies all this. He calls the allegation that he did anything wrong offensive. But the more we hear about this laptop and the more we hear about the contents, the more questions arise. There's more fire than just smoke.

And the federal investigation continues, by the way, and it seems to concern more people than Hunter Biden, right? So here we go. We're going now into what's basically a presidential campaign. Donald Trump's already announced. Joe Biden will probably announce soon. Others will jump in. This is an important topic, and it deserves attention, except when you watch media coverage of Hunter Biden, you would think that, okay, there's no there, there. The contents of the laptops, hey, otherwise, Ashley.

Yeah, but then Joe Biden constantly says the public's not interested in this, and it's a waste of time. And it's just lies about his family. But my question is obviously these subpoenas are going to come down because now Hunter Biden's attorneys, they're not giving anything over to this committee. And then the others that they've requested from, they're just not responding. But to Todd's point that he made in the four o'clock hour, how can we trust these judges that would issue these subpoenas? Because as we say, they're part of the swamp, too. Well, precisely. So you wonder, is this a fixed fight? Will this somehow go away without a true investigation in this situation? But fortunately, Congress is pursuing this.

And fortunately, there is a federal investigation going on, as I mentioned. So we'll see how this plays out. But either way, we've gone from the laptop is Russian disinformation, ignore this to where we are now. And it just seems like things will only get worse before they get better for not only Hunter Biden, but Joe Biden, James Biden, and everyone else that appears to be involved in this based on the contents of the laptop. Speaking of big fights, there's a big game this Sunday, and we'd love to be talking to you about the spread, who's going to win all this other stuff. But we can't because we have to talk about this. President Biden has yet to commit to a Super Bowl interview on Fox just days out from the big game.

Quick background, the team that the network that has the Super Bowl typically doesn't interview with the president this year. That network is Fox. Is this surprising to you in any way, shape or form, Joe? Well, let's get the elephant out of the room first, Todd, because I know that America is watching right now and saying, okay, who do I like in the game and why? Eagles will win. I don't think it will even really be close. No, no, I gotta get this out of the way first. Joe Contra, everybody. I got 34.

34, 24. Sorry, Ashley, I know you're a chiefs fan. I just don't see the chiefs protecting Patrick Mahomes against that pass rush. And I could see the Eagles moving the wall quite easily against the chiefs defense. Now, all that said, we have had presidents going back to 2004. Sorry about that. 2004, who appear on the Super Bowl pregame interview.

All right, this is a tradition. Now, remember, the Super Bowl is carried by multiple networks, CBS, NBC, ABC at one point and Fox. And every president for about two decades, whether we're talking about George W. Bush or Barack Obama or Donald Trump has appeared and sat down and done this interview regardless of the network carrying it. But Joe Biden here appears to be, or at least as handlers anyway, petrified of either Brett Baer or Shannon Bream or whoever would actually conduct this interview asking the types of questions that Americans want answered as far as the border, as far as education in this country, as far as Chinese five-aloons, as far as inflation, as far as crime. So the president's handlers therefore say, all right, we cannot put the president in this situation with tens of millions of people watching. We're going to pull him out.

And quite frankly, he looks like a coward when he does these things, considering that especially Barack Obama sat down with Fox News. No problem. Joe Biden won't do it. He is the least successful, the least, the most protected, I should say, president we have seen of the television era, guys. Could you imagine being scared of Shannon Bream? She's so, she's so scared. The nicest human ever created. I will say this, Joe, it's been great having you on the program.

We sure are going to miss you. Yes. She and her Fox and Friends first going forward. We're done with you. Don't do it. Don't do it. We'll talk on Monday.

We'll see if your predictions are right. Thanks, Joe. Have a great weekend. Save the tape. Save the tape. All right, guys. Joe, thanks.

I'm Steve Ducey. I'm Brian Kilmeade. And I'm Ainsley Earhart. And click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.

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