Ukraine Needs More Weapons, Deputy Prime Minister Says

Ukraine Needs More Weapons, Deputy Prime Minister Says

here in Europe partly is to ask for weapons. A lot of it is also to make sure that the accelerated membership in the O goes ahead as planned. Are you confident with the progress you've made so far. Well thank you so much. Indeed it's very important that yesterday president managed to have the meeting with all 27 leaders and address the European Council with a message of urgency in terms of accelerating military assistance supporting the peace plan and the peace summit because just in the morning today starting from the night time and in the morning today we have already had three massive waves of shelling which covered nearly all the territory of Ukraine including 1000 Eastern party Ukraine Zaporizia and objects near the electricity nuclear power plant. So the consequences of the outreach of the president and see a scene already now. So we've been calling on the urgency saying that Russia is preparing a new waves of these aggressive actions against Ukraine on our territory.

Getting know that on 24th of February that will be anniversary let's say of a year of the full scale invasion. So it's not the forecast is the reality that we face right now and shortly after addressing the leaders we can see the confirmation of the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation. But within that context given that context is the EU doing enough at this moment to support Ukraine. Well it is doing definitely enough to help us survive economically and to ensure the proper management and the running of the country in times of war. I mean the financial the recovery assistance humanitarian assistance supporting our people being in European Union in amount of six point five millions approximately. But of course bilaterally the outreach on more more weapons and military assistance is needed. This was the target of the discussion.

This was the call on the members of the European Parliament. This was the major issue of discussion on all the bilaterals and outreach at the European Council. So more military assistance is needed. But the major thing is that we need it now. We do not have to have this two months time lag because it will be crucial for Ukraine's victory.

Defense, EU, European Union, Olha Stefanishyna, Ukraine, War, russia, weapons

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