Kyiv hit by barrage of Russian missiles

Kyiv hit by barrage of Russian missiles

born Ukraine tonight, Russia unleashing a fierce new attack on the capital of Kiev. But Ukraine tonight saying its forces with help from US Patriot missiles were able to shoot down all 25 missiles, including hypersonic weapons. ABC's Tom Sufi Burrage in Ukraine tonight. The biggest barrage of Russian missiles in weeks raining down on Kiev. Ukraine's air defenses working in overdrive, lighting up the night sky in video circulating online, falling debris causing fires on the ground. Russia firing a wave of 25 ballistic and cruise missiles, some of them hypersonic. The Ukrainian military claiming it shot all of them down.

And news tonight that an American Patriot air defense system suffered some damage in the attack. A US official telling ABC News a component of the Patriot was damaged, but the overall system is operational and it could be fixed soon. Today, ABC News given exclusive access to another American air defense system, the Avenger. The US supplying 12 of them mounted on Humvees, making this a highly mobile weapon to intercept an attack. As a Russian drone or missile flies in, the Avenger has heat seeking and laser technology on board. So the stingers here have a good chance at hitting it down. This top Ukrainian commander calling the Avengers a major boost.

Rocket telling us more military vehicles and ammunition from allies will arrive soon. Well, there have been Russian strikes again in the south tonight. And David, there is concern that Russia could try and strike Kiev again. David, fascinating view there, though, Tom, of that US air defense system. Tom, thank you.

ABC, Kyiv, News, Putin, Russia, Tonight, Ukraine, World, Zelenskyy, ballistic, drones, military, missiles, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-99376168, war, weapons

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