This 'Love is Blind' season 4 cast member always knew he'd go on a dating show

This 'Love is Blind' season 4 cast member always knew he'd go on a dating show

Welcome back. Love is Blind dropped the first five episodes of the fourth season of the show this weekend which takes place in Seattle and it quickly became one of the top shows on Netflix. I had the pleasure of talking with the men of Love is Blind and I hope you enjoy this conversation between Kwame, Paul, Marshall, Brett and Zach. Check it out. I'm ready for you if you're ready for me. Hi, how are you guys? So you filmed the show like around a year ago right? What's been like kind of waiting for it to be released into the world? Like what does that feel like for each of you? It's been this building and you know we're just like constantly just in each other's you know messages just going back and forth like what do you think you know like just around the situation and what's going on but yeah oh no very fun. I'm curious too like how do you prepare for the same aspect that's going to be coming along next because I feel like Love is Blind is always like the number one show on Netflix so how does it feel kind of waiting for that? It's like being in limbo.

It's a weird transition from being a regular person to a not so regular person and I'm not the one to say that we're all going to be like famous but we're going to be more recognizable for sure. Yeah. And that's I would say is the most interesting part about it all. I feel as though on somebody who tends to compromise a lot. Did each of you ever think that you would go on a dating show? You know for some reason I don't know I feel like I could have seen it in my future at some point if I'm being real with you. What makes you say that? I don't know. I just always thought that they were so I've never been a reality TV viewer.

The very first reality show I ever watched was Love is Blind and I was like oh that seems like a fun show. So when I got the call I definitely thought it was I don't know we'll call it a serendipitous moment but all in all yeah I mean it was incredible and incredible experience and I was fortunate to be part of it. I don't want to be in a marriage where your parents hate me. Zach what pushed you to go on the show? Long winded question but I would say in short I'd reached a point where I wanted to find my wife and I thought that it would help. I thought that it wouldn't hurt. She did show a little bit of trust. And what about you Brett? Did you ever see yourself doing this and what kind of pushed you to do it? Did I see myself doing this? No but like I'm the type of person like for the longest time people have always told me like man you should be on The Bachelor you should be on these types of things so like when it kind of happened I'm like well you know what people haven't been manifesting this to you know through what they've been saying it for a long time but as far as going on it I mean been seeing them for a while and you know living here in Portland the dating scene can't give that rave reviews so you know when this at this point in my life when this came around I was like you know this is some stars aligning you know let me just follow this and see where it goes.

Yeah so we're in Seattle. Does anybody have any Seattle dating stories that they wish to share any crazy experiences or what was your experience like in general? No I was just thinking about it. I've had my best luck just not actually not through the apps just like randomly like kind of organically meeting people at like a bar restaurant or something like that or you know before as a scientist I was a bartender here and like I met a lot of people that way that was super good. But yeah you get a wide range wide range of people it's a city of transplants so you know I find a lot of times that I was dating I would connect with someone from you know southeast or northeast or you know from all over. Anyone else have any Seattle stories? Not Seattle stories. No Seattle stories but I got plenty of stories. Give us one of your best stories.

Wow just dating in Baltimore. Baltimore City is not the greatest place for finding love but you know here we are. I made the wrong choice and now I'm going to propose to another woman. Talk to me about being open to changing your mind throughout the whole process. Yeah I think one of the big things that I took from the process is that we don't just judge people based on what they look like. You know we judge people based on where they're from, where the way they speak, their mannerisms, the people they associate with and I think coming in we had very short interactions with all of the women and as I got to know the women a lot deeper I found that my thoughts and expectations that I had created from our first interactions were miles apart from who they were. I mean just like learning who they were talking to them and finding out the things that made them tick, the things that fascinated them.

We're things based on our first impression I never would have guessed. So much for everyone to see. All the viewers are going to be so excited to watch your journeys unfold. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us today. Thank you. Good luck with everything. See you guys.

And if you're you are a Love Is Blind fan stick with us because I'm going to be bringing you conversations with the ladies to Love Is Blind episodes will be rolled out on Netflix or for the next few weeks. And so will my interviews with the cast and I have to say it's been so fun seeing Seattle as a character in this show too. I don't know if you saw the sea planes are flying around on that but that's been super cool too. Yeah and you watched the first episode. Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah.

How did you feel? There's five episodes that are out now and I've watched ahead a little bit too. Oh okay. I might have been able to do that but I'm not going to give you any spoilers for that. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. But yeah, it's wonderful.

It's so much fun. Yeah I have to say I don't personally love reality dating shows because they are they make me uncomfortable. I get uncomfortable in like cringy situations and I feel like that's kind of part of it. It's unavoidable but I will say that it was a pleasure to be able to hear from you know the people participating in this case the men individually because when you talk to a person individually about the reasons for doing something like this I feel like you're able to make a different type of connection and like sort of make sense right like these guys haven't had a lot of fun with the dating dating scene in their respective cities so they wanted to try something new. Some of them hadn't even seen reality TV before which I can definitely connect with but I think when you see the whole thing together not for me I will say my husband is a major fan so sometimes I hear the story lines you know in the background. Uh huh. It's gonna be fun to to see whoever stayed in Seattle or maybe ended up in relocated here as some of them are doing.

Maybe see him around the city a little bit. We'll see. All right still ahead with spring travel season here we are getting some packing advice.

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