Biden's FAA pick makes shocking move after failing to answer simple questions

Biden's FAA pick makes shocking move after failing to answer simple questions

Welcome back. Time for the hot topic buzz. So President Biden's pick to lead the federal aviation administration, Phil Washington, withdrew his nomination after a slew of criticism about his lack of aviation experience. Here are just some of his answers from his Senate confirmation hearing. Watch this. SEN. PHIL WASHINGTON, President of the United States of America, United States of America Senate Speaker, President Biden, United States of America Not sure I can answer that question right now.

Sorry, Senator, I cannot answer that question. Well, thank you for the question, Senator. I'm not a pilot. Can you tell me what causes an aircraft to spin or to stall? Again, Senator, I'm not a pilot. I don't want to guess on that, Senator. You know the three types? Mr. Washington, the three types? Wait a minute.

What? Mike, your thoughts? You know, Maria, beyond this, he's under all sorts of criminal investigation for corruption, dating back to his times in LA. And I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Who's putting forward these people in the Biden administration? And thank goodness he didn't actually make it through. I mean, we can all see what Buttigieg's experiences with transportation and how good a job he's done. Well, that's right. Buttigieg had no experience either, Lee. Why do we keep having candidates who have no experience in the business? I mean, I think it's a lot of dealbrokering that's happening behind the scenes.

And I think that's why the American people have so little trust in the federal government to do the right thing by them. It's not the right people in the right places and the right jobs. You know, and both parties have criticism about this kind of thing happening. It just, it needs to stop. We need experts in the right fields. If we've learned nothing from COVID, let's get the right people in place to take care of us. That's what the government is for.

When you look at, I mean, I think it's a really valid point when you look at Mayor Pete now being in charge of Department of Transportation, look at what he's done recently. I think Americans are just tired of having ineffective leadership. It's all politics all the time. Just put buddies and friends and people who check boxes in roles, even though they have no experience. I mean, the dealbrokering that must be happening behind the scenes, I think, is pretty severe. At least that's the perception of the American people. It sure is.

Mike and Lee, stay right there.

Biden, Biden FAA nomination, Biden FAA pick, Biden admin, Biden administration, Biden nomination, FAA, FAA chief, FAA head, FOX Business, FOX Business Network, Federal Aviation Administration, Maria Bartiromo, Mornings with Maria, POTUS, Phil Washington, President Biden, Senate, US Congress, US Senate, White House, White House nominees, aviation, business, news, politics, trending news

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