Meta Testing New Subscription Service for Verified Accounts

Meta Testing New Subscription Service for Verified Accounts

Okay, it's a hot topic among social media users, Metta and Twitter ready to start charging you for certain features. But is it really a way to improve the social media experience or is that straight up cash grabbed by companies? Our business tech reporter Scott Budman has been talking to social media users. Okay, Scott, that's a hard sell to all of a sudden start paying for something that you kind of had for free already. So what are people saying? That's a very good way of putting it, Jessica. And this is what we expected. Users are really turned off by the idea of paying to use Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Now, none of these companies will make you pay.

They say the verified experience would be enhanced if you subscribe. But we found risks even with those enhancements. Billions of us use social media, but are we willing to pay for a better experience? Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are asking, so far the answer seems clear. On the street, not something I would be willing to pay for. And in the classroom. Not a single person said I'm going to pay for that. Shortly after Twitter announced Twitter Blue, an $8 a month subscription plan to enhance your Twitter experience, Metta says it will soon experiment with its own subscription plan.

Starting at $12 a month, you'll get increased visibility on Instagram and Facebook, more protection and easier access to customer support if you're willing to pay. Claire Ramos is not. I think social media should be accessible and if you make it so you have to pay, not everyone can have access to it. And that's part of the fun is that everyone can use it. Metta says you'll need a government ID to subscribe. Privacy professor Ahmed Benafa says that in itself is another privacy risk. You're going to provide us with a government issued ID, which is a troubling thing because you already have my information.

Now you're going to have more information. You're going to have something which is documented that this is why. Yeah, we can break down the meta plan. It would cost $12 a month on the web, 15 a month on your iOS, your iPhone or your Android. The company says it's rolling out in Australia and New Zealand this week soon headed to the US. We'll be back with a special sneak peek. Thanks guys.

Day three.

meta, twitter, social media, tech

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