Driver arrested after 2 bicyclists killed, 11 injured in crash

Driver arrested after 2 bicyclists killed, 11 injured in crash

the crash. It happened in good year early Saturday morning. The pickup truck driver is facing several charges tonight. Plus we have new video of the frightening scene after the crash. Box tens. Lauren Clark is live at Moore and Lauren. Well, Linda and Brian, that man who's now behind bars is was showed up in front of a judge for the first time today.

His bail set at $250,000 in the meantime. The judge is absolutely devastated by this horrible tragedy. Video sent to Fox 10 by a witness shows part of the devastating scene. Broken bikes and officers rushing to gather information they could shortly after the crash. Please say victims are part of a bike group traveling on Cotton Lane Bridge over the MC 85 in good year. Sadly two bikers lost their lives. Investigators say one was a good year resident and that another was from outside of the city.

The judge said several others remain hospitalized, including one in life threatening condition. Please say this man, 26 year old Pedro Quintana Luan is responsible for the crash. He's facing several charges, including manslaughter, aggravated assault and more. Every single time it's too many. John Hogan is the vice president of the Rob Dollar Foundation, an organization in memory of his best friend Rob Dollar, a cyclist who was killed several years ago. He says today his heart breaks for the families of those involved. It's you know, to know the pain and feeling that those families are going through just as the family and friends of Rob did when he passed away as he's begging those on the road to be respectful and recognize that those writing are precious to so many friends and family.

That person is on that bike, but it's another human and trying to get people to see everybody as humans that you know they want to go home to their loved ones and their loved ones want to make sure that they're getting home. We also spoke to the owner here of this bike shop. He knows so many people who were involved in the crash. Many he considers good friends, including one of his employees who's currently in the hospital right now will have more on his story and more details coming up right here at Fox five or Fox 10, excuse me, live at nine reporting live here in good year. Lauren Clark, Fox 10 News.

news, ksaz, video, bicyclists, arizona, goodyear, crash, fox 10 phoenix, bikes, cyclists, az news, what happened, updates

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