Paris Hilton talks about her new memoir, ‘Paris’ | GMA

Paris Hilton talks about her new memoir, ‘Paris’ | GMA

And we are back with Paris Health and she's the original influencer successful in both reality TV and the business world And now she's sharing what happened behind the scenes in her new book Paris the memoir welcome to GMA So you hold nothing back in this book. Tell us about it This book was like a diary. I put everything in there so many really traumatic experiences that I endured especially as a teenager and so many just memories I didn't want to remember But also a lot of the good exciting times. I've lived such an amazing life You really have and you you go there and thank you. Thank you for being so transparent and bone vulnerability is a strength and it's not a weakness and how you share about how other women from Young women from that era we're talking about Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears and Salina Gomez who we're talking about today and Speaking out how they too went through what you did with social media and that and then Salina Reach out to you after your documentary in 2020 I ran in her to at Brittany's wedding and she came up to me and said she saw my documentary and It inspired her to want to be vulnerable and open up and that just meant so much to me I think it's so important when people can feel comfortable enough to tell their stories and Especially people with big platforms to show that life isn't perfect and people go through things and knowing what you know now What would you tell your younger self? I? Would tell her that you're gonna go through a lot in life But one day you're going to use your voice to help others and make such an impact So it's going to be worth it. How did writing it all down help you? it was just so cathartic and Just therapeutic just letting go of so much because I carried so much on me for so long and I've been through so many hard times, but just to put her all out there Really felt good. You've got some good times as well.

You have a new baby at home. How's that going? Yeah? My little Phoenix is my angel. I'm so obsessed with him. He is just everything to me. My heart feels so full That's a great name Phoenix. I love that name. Thank you How about your parents how they reacted to this because you even wrote in the book that you said you were quite sure If your mother was going to read it.

So how they reacted we just talked about it last week. She just read it and It's very emotional. It's really difficult to Read about things that you had no idea about My mom just loves and support me so much and She's so proud of me for being brave and telling my story. You know, they're in a good place. Yes. Yeah, and we think about reality TV I think about the simple life 20 years 20 years But now it's entertaining a new generation including your your friend and co-stars kids Nicole Richards kids are watching it now Just at dinner at her house recently and her teenage kids watch the show and love it So it's so amazing just how timeless that show is and generation after generation. Just love it You've got a whole nother life going on in the business world.

How's that going? Incredible. I have my media company 11 11 and we are just doing so many projects and every vertical and it's just so exciting Right. Well, thank you for coming in Paris the memoir is out now And you can see much more Paris held tonight on night land and an impact by nightline streaming on Hulu on Thursday Well, hey there GMA fans Robin Roberts here. Thanks for checking out our YouTube channel lots of great stuff here So go on click the subscribe button right over right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from GMA every day Anytime we thank you for watching and we'll see you in the morning on GMA.

News, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-97844386, Paris Hilton, memoir, Paris, paparazzi, original, influencer, businesswoman, Phoenix, new baby, DJ, new book, ABC News, GMA

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