Greek train crash worst in country's history

Greek train crash worst in country's history

Tonight, Greece's prime minister mostly blaming human error for the deadliest train crash in the country's history. Train cars turning into piles of twisted metal when a freight train and a passenger train collided head on. And now we're hearing from the survivors who somehow were able to make it out. We heard a bang, this man said, and I got propelled forward. The rail car spun around and ended up on its side. We were being burned, said this survivor. Fire was right and left.

The fire service said temperatures in the burning train cars reached more than 2,300 degrees. Now families demanding to know how two trains could have raced toward each other on the same track reportedly for a full 12 minutes before they collided. According to the head of Greece's Rail Workers Union, we all want those responsible to pay for this mess, said this father who was still looking for his son. Many passengers were young people returning from a carnival. Every police arrested the manager of a nearby train station but gave no reason why. And the country's transport minister resigned, he said, out of respect for those who died. Authorities say they still don't know what exactly caused the crash, but Greece already had among the most dangerous train systems in Europe.

Fatal train crash, Fiery crash, Greece, Train crash

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