Biden signing GOP-led bill to roll back DC crime bill

Biden signing GOP-led bill to roll back DC crime bill

The battle is brewing in Washington, DC over the city's criminal code. Republicans want to do away with it and it looks like they have a major ally in their corner. Lauren Blanchard has more. Republicans found an unlikely ally on Capitol Hill Thursday, President Biden. He says he will sign a GOP-led bill to roll back a DC crime bill passed by the city council, if it makes it to his desk. One thing that the president believes in is making sure that the streets in America and communities across the country are safe. That includes DC.

He's out of touch. The DC revised criminal code acts softens maximum penalties for violent offenses like carjacking, burglary and robbery. It eliminates most mandatory sentences and requires more jury trials. I am totally against our Congress blocking anything that our elected officials are doing. The city's mayor opposed the revision, but she was overruled by the more progressive council. Washington, DC's delegate to the house says she was surprised to learn the president wouldn't veto the measure. I was kind of counting on him.

The bill already passed to the house. Democrat voters, people who align that way, they want safe streets and safe communities too. Next, it will need to pass the Senate, likely next week. It's expected to gain support from all Republicans and some Democrats. If anything, we should be increasing penalties for certain offenses. That's just my view. If Congress does roll back the law, it will be the first time it has done so in more than 30 years.

In Washington, Lauren Blanchard, Fox News.

news, national, video, third party, washington d.c., joe biden, crime and public safety

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