At least 3 kids dead in Nashville school shooting, hospital says; suspect dead | LIVE COVERAGE

At least 3 kids dead in Nashville school shooting, hospital says; suspect dead | LIVE COVERAGE

the latest on this school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee. Police right now with an update. Let's take a listen in. Free K through sixth graders. Diane, it's just a terrible thing. These things never leave you if you're a police officer or if you're a parent. Those things haunt you the rest of your life.

So these are the echoes of Sandy Hook here. It looks like the protocols are working very well here across the nation in law enforcement, but we're not stopping this from happening and that's the real tragedy here. It's unusual you have a Christian parochial school that's happening to that. So that part is unusual. Detectives will now figure out the motives. Go social media to do all these things that we normally do, but our protocols are working, but it's still happening. That's the issue.

Bob, in an investigation like this, what's the first question these officers will be trying to answer? Determinator the shooter is and what the motive was. That means going into the idea of her go back to the house. Go. What's going on in their lives? Do the social media program profile all these things and then find out where the gun came from and how they got that gun. So these things that everybody knows is they're offering money to do that. But the big question is why and will always be why. Brad, ATF and the FBI are now responding.

They're assisting the Metropolitan Police Department there in Nashville with this. What does that tell you about the gravity of this investigation and how will they help? So let's start with a matter of routine. They tend the ATF and FBI tend to respond to all mass shootings now. It's common protocol. They work together. They plan these things together. ATF will immediately, as Bob mentioned, go to go to work on whatever weapons were used.

Where do they come from? How did they get them so forth and so on? The FBI may be able to help quickly if there's any sort of delicate forensic thing to do or an interview to be done outside. This will be somewhat surprised if the shooter is not connected to the school some way. I assume he's a little older. These are all younger kids. But we'll see how that plays out. But the FBI may also be able to help them with that. And Robert, it feels all too often that we have to talk about stories like this.

What do you make of the frequency with which this is happening? Not only in public places, but now in a school, once again, a school full of young children. Diane is picking up. It's not slowing down. It keeps getting worse. They know they're going to be confronted at some point by police officers armed and ready to terminate this act, but they're still doing it. So the motive is over driving common sense. We'll see if there's mental illness involved in here.

But what was the motive? Was it this anti-religion? We don't know right now. It will be interesting to see exactly what this was. And if anybody knew this was going to happen, that's why I always look to these things. Did anybody have a clue as to what's going on in this person's life? Because we see it all the time. So it's picking up and it's not going away despite the best efforts of law enforcement. And again, we are following this developing story. What we know right now is three students have been pronounced dead at a private Christian school in Nashville after a shooting there.

Police say they engaged the shooter and that shooter is now dead. That school serves grades from pre-K through sixth grade. We will continue to update you on this story throughout the day and we will have continuing coverage on ABC News Live. I'm Diane Maseido. Have a good rest of the day. This has been a special report from ABC News. And that was an ABC special news report again.

Very traumatizing news coming out of Nashville. We'll have much more on action news at 12.30 after this break. There have been Joes, Johns, Jalins, and more Johns. Patrick's and Payton's, Deon's and DK's. There have been JJ's, TJ's, A, B, and CJ's. There have been 80 years of drafts, thousands of names called Jerry Rice, Eli Manning, Saus Gardner.

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