‘We Feel Very Confident’: White House Comments On Upcoming SCOTUS Student Loan Forgiveness Case

‘We Feel Very Confident’: White House Comments On Upcoming SCOTUS Student Loan Forgiveness Case

And then next week the student loan case is going to be before the Supreme Court. I'm wondering how confident is the administration feeling about its position on that case? And whether there's any sort of backup plan should the Supreme Court not make it? We feel very confident in our legal process here. And what about the idea of any sort of backup plan? Right now we just feel very confident. Look, we have to remember what the student loan plan means and why the President put that forward is to help tens of millions of Americans give them a little breathing room, give them an opportunity as we're coming out of this pandemic, this once in a generation pandemic. And folks are, remember one of the reasons we put this forward was because we're going to lift the payment, the loan payment, the student loan payment to give them a little extra breathing room to make sure that they're able to get back on their feet as they were having to, some of them had to pay back their student loans. And so this is, we see this as an important policy that is going to help millions, again, tens of millions of Americans across the country who need it, who need that opportunity to start a family, who need that opportunity to buy a home. And so it is unfortunate to us that Republicans are out there, Republicans officials across the country are out there trying to stop something, trying to stop a policy that would really help everyday Americans who need just a little bit of assistance.

I just want to really quick last one. Over the weekend, UN Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield said there would be a quote, unquote, red line for China if lethal weapons or lethal material were provided to Russia. Is that a phrase that the White House would repeat? Is that a phrase that the White House supports using in this? So I'll say that. So far it hasn't happened, as I was telling to Peter. I'm not going to talk about what we anticipate or any new indications, but we have been clear with China from the beginning on the consequences and implications of providing this kind of support to Russia. We have been very, very clear about that. I'm just not going to add to it any more to that.

Go ahead.

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