Suspect in custody after 2 Orthodox Jews shot outside synagogues in Los Angeles

Suspect in custody after 2 Orthodox Jews shot outside synagogues in Los Angeles

the suspect accused of carrying out two targeted shootings on Jewish men is in custody this morning. The separate incidents happened as the victims were leaving synagogues. Authorities are now investigating the incidents as hate crimes. KTLA's Carlos Herrera live in Ellis Pico Robertson neighborhood with more on this. Carlos, Good morning, Megan and Chris. Good morning. This is quite alarming concerning what's happening in this predominantly Jewish community here of West Salah Pico Robertson area.

We've learned that one of the victim, at least one of them, had attended the morning service here at the Pinto Center before he was shot just a few blocks away. The suspect believed to be responsible for both attacks was taken into custody. He was arrested in Riverside County yesterday evening. Take a look at this. Now, detectives say they found several items of evidence, including a handgun and a rifle. They say the man had quote a history of animus toward the Jewish community and that hatred was likely his motivation. The suspect allegedly opened fire on two Orthodox Jewish men as they were heading home from morning service.

Police say he first shot a man around 10 a.m. Wednesday near the intersection of Shenandoah and Cascio Streets in West L. A. The victim was shot in the back while walking to his car. Just two blocks away on Thursday morning. He shot another man.

The victim was walking home and was shot in the arm. Both victims survive this morning. Police say the attacks are being investigated as hate crimes. Ali Mayor Karen Bass tweeting that she's condemning the attack on the city's Jewish community, saying they are unacceptable and that her office will monitor the incidents. Local law enforcement now taking action out of an abundance of caution as well. The L. I county Sheriff's Department is increasing patrols around Jewish communities and Jewish institutions.

The L. I. P. D. Is reallocating resources to provide a quote visible presence. Community security organizations like Maggie Veeam and she mirrored are also patrolling the Pico Robertson area. Some Jewish community members say they're still scared, even with the suspect being arrested.

A Jewish community is at its strongest when we come together as a community. Um, that's a wonderful thing. But what it does do is that it gives someone who wishes harm upon us a way to find Jews at known places and at known times. Um, and that leaves people feeling vulnerable. And both victims remain hospitalized this morning, but they are expected to be okay. Meantime, the L. I county District Attorney George Gascon has says that he's gonna be working with the L.

I. P. D. To make sure that this suspect is held accountable. I'll send it back to you.

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