Questions remain over flying objects shot down by U.S. jets | FOX 13 Seattle

Questions remain over flying objects shot down by U.S. jets | FOX 13 Seattle

right now we still don't know much about the three objects that US fighter jets shot down over the course of three days the White House not saying much what we do know is that the military is making some headway and recovering parts of the Chinese spy balloon that was shot down earlier this month reported Doug Luzator joining us from Capitol Hill this morning where senators are prepping for a classified briefing today Doug good morning talk a little bit about this briefing and what lawmakers could learn good morning well there's still a lot that we don't know particularly about these last three balloon or say balloons they depending on refers to them as objects but these last three objects that were down we don't even know a country of origin and that's in contrast to the first Chinese spy balloon where you know we have a fair amount of information about that and they've been able to recover a lot of the debris associated with that balloon so we will presumably learn quite a bit about that these other three they have not recovered any wreckage so there are just all kinds of questions about this as well as the evolving US military policy toward these unidentified objects in the sky yeah and Doug we understand the military says they're making a headway on this recovered spy balloon that was shot down from earlier this month but you know what else are they saying what do we know about that right now as far as the the the first object well that you know they knew the debris field so they were able to recover that from the relatively shallow waters there off the coast of South Carolina at least they've been able to recover some of it they did apparently get a portion of the payload and that's going to be critical it'll give us an idea of kind of the surveillance equipment that may have been on board this device give us a better idea of where China perhaps sourced some of that that those electronics there had been some assertions early on that there were some English markings that there were some Western components there where did those come from so there there are a lot of questions yet to be answered as far as that first incident is concerned and you know the other issue has to do with just military policy here we have since learned that in the effort to take down the object over Lake Huron that one of the Sidewinder missiles fired by an F-16 missed miss this target and these are missiles that cost about $400,000 a piece so why is that the case that these missiles missed a very slow moving target over Lake Huron wow that is a good question Doug Lusader for us in Washington DC we appreciate you being there for us and hopefully we can get some excellent thank you.


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