Jim Jordan Issues New Ultimatum To Biden And Washington Democrats

Jim Jordan Issues New Ultimatum To Biden And Washington Democrats

The gentleman, gentleman yields back. Mr. Lines, who benefits? That seems to me to be the fundamental question. Right, who benefits? We talked earlier on January 20, 2021, first day, President Biden says, no more wall, no more remain in Mexico, no more detain and deport. And the result, Sheriff told us what the result is, I think from his testimony he said, two years ago this was the safest border county in the country today, we have what's been described here in the last two hours. So it sort of raises the fundamental, who benefits from this border that's no longer a border from this open border chaos on our southern border, who benefits from that, does our healthcare system benefit, Mr. Lines? No, directly, does our law enforcement benefit, Sheriff Wilmont? No, sir.

How about first responders, Supervisor, first responders, does that benefit, how about the taxpayers, does the taxpayers, how about the growers and ranchers and farmers that we heard from earlier, do they benefit from this chaotic policy that was put in place on day one? How about the legal residents? How about the citizens, do they benefit? No. That's the takeaway here, that's that, how about now, who does benefit though? Do the cartels benefit Supervisor Lines? Yes, sir. 100%. Do the drug dealers benefit? 100%. Yeah, and the scary thing is, the sad thing is too, the people, many times the people who are being trafficked across, they don't really benefit either, the things that happen to women, things that happen to kids, we've talked about that. So this is the crazy thing, and this brings us back to what my colleague and friend from Florida said early in today's hearing. I don't think they're gonna change, I don't think Joe Biden's gonna change, because any administration that puts in policies that harm the citizens, harm law enforcement, harm the taxpayers, harm the farmers, harm the ranchers, harm everyone it seems, and only benefit the bad guys, the cartels, and drug dealers, I don't know that they're gonna change without a fight.

And Mr. Chairman, I think that it's good to remember that the source of all fentanyl, and that's being shipped directly from China to the cartels, to come and poison the people of the United States. Yep, yep, and here's, I would just add this too as well, and this was in your testimony Supervisor, in your testimony you were asked by, I believe by Mr. Gates, as I did, I think you said Secretary of the Orcas, lie to your face. That was your testimony, here today, under oath, here today, you took the oath when we swore you in, you said, the Secretary, if you have an administration that you pay for, your tax dollars, pays for the federal government, they come here, they promise to work with local government, work with the local community to better the situation, and then they'll deliver on their promise, the only way we're gonna fix this is a fight. And the way our system works, the way our system works is, when you have split government, you have to do it on the appropriations bills. We are going to have to attach on the appropriation bills to look, if you don't start enforcing the law, as Mr.

McClintock pointed out, if you don't start enforcing the law, we're not gonna fund certain things. I mean, not our law enforcement, not Border Patrol, we need that, but other things, we're gonna have to, we're gonna have to do that if we're gonna remedy this situation. Yes, sir. That's how bad it is, that's how serious it is, and we came here today to just underscore and hear from people who've been living it now for two long years, to hear from you on, so we can go back and tell our colleagues, look, we're gonna have to fight. We're gonna have to fight for the good people, Vuma County, the good law enforcement folks in Arizona, people providing healthcare, the mayor of this great town, and as our other members have pointed out, folks all over the country, because every country is now impacted by five million illegal migrants coming into our country in the past two years, and that's what we pledge to do, so I wanna thank you all for being here today. We're gonna close with the gentleman who represents this fine community for five minutes, who's been a good friend of mine in Congress for a number of years, does an outstanding job of serving the folks of his great district here in Arizona, Mr. Gosar is recognized for five minutes.

Thank you. Thank you.

Rep. Jim Jordan, President Biden, border

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