February 2023 horoscopes: What each sign can expect

February 2023 horoscopes: What each sign can expect

It is the start of a new month and we are taking a deep dive right into the planetary alignment for a little insight into what we can expect for February. That's right and is always joining us this morning is astrology writer for the New York Post Rita Weigel. Rita, welcome back. Love the hat. Love it. Thank you so much. Thank you.

It's great to be here. Well, I'm happy to know at least this go around that Mercury is not a retrograde. It's taking a break. So we'll sidestep that one. But that doesn't mean we're out of the woods. So what are some major things that we should be keeping tabs on for the month of February? Astrologically speaking, February is a better month for everyone than January. Great energy for initiatives.

Actually, February 1st marks kind of a better time for resolutions and intention setting than January did. We've got a courier on our side. Aquarius is the sign of the visionary. We have a little emotional objectivity because of Aquarius, which we all need. But we do have a very intense full moon and Leo happening this Sunday. Full moon and Leo. OK.

All right. Full moon and Leo. That's a whole lot going on. I can't imagine. It's a lot. Can you give us a breakdown for the month on what each sign should be looking out for? I saw a little peek at this and I'm very intrigued. Yeah, for sure.

I have a little intention or kind of guide for every sign. For Aries this month. Oh, it's our Taurus. Cool. That's old Chris and our Taurus. Oh, there you go. So for Taurus, especially because our Uranus, which is the planet of sudden change, chaos and upset is in our sign and it's squaring both the sun and the moon this weekend.

So Taurus is deeply resistant to change. We're fixed earth sign, but our best bet for this weekend and this month ahead is just to kind of surrender to it and ride the wave of chaos. Kiss it on the cheek. Don't try to grab it by the tail. Kiss it on the cheek, Chris. It means another bottle of wine. We'll have to be open.

We'll see. Can we get the intel on the Sagittarians? Absolutely. Of course we can talk about Sagittarius. So Sagittarius, if you don't mind me saying so, tends to lean into excess. You know, you're ruled by Jupiter, so it's the planet of expansion of more is more. And that's great. It makes you like our favorite person to party with.

Well, that checks out. Yeah. Yeah. That's all you're around though. It makes you fun, but my caution for you this month is to make sure that the excess that you're seeking isn't to try to fill a deficit that you're feeling. Hmm. Okay.

Remember that. I'm going to sit with that for this weekend and really. Let's step through other folks. Obviously, you are watching along different signs. How about Libra? Libra. So Libra is the sign of partnership and February, which is apropos because Valentine's Day falls. It's a great time for Libra to really express their emotions.

And I say, shoot your shot Libra. A lot of times Libra is waiting for kind of an invitation or an initiating action from another person. But don't do that. Just, you know, we're all going to die. So if you love somebody say it. I'm sorry. The last two are just really aquariums.

Any aquariums in the building? No plan to party. And what was that last one? You go back up to that graphic for a second. Pisces. Get high on your own hotness. I'm going to need Pisces. Pisces? Pisces? The way Bobby's dancing around in the studio. I would think he's a Pisces.

I don't know. Bobby, what sign are you? Pisces. Pisces? All right. We'll get high on your own hotness this weekend. Okay? No wonder. No wonder. Give us a little more about Pisces.

Can you please expand on that? Yes, sure. So for Aquarius, the reason that plan to party is your meditation for the month ahead is that Saturn, which is the strict kind of mean dad planet of the hard lessons is giving up its three year residency in the sign of Aquarius. So it's sort of like, you've gotten your knowledge, you've gotten your hard knocks, and now you can plan a sort of spiritual spring break for yourself, whatever that looks like for you. Now, in terms of cycling through these things, I mean, we're breaking it down monthly. Is that truly how it works or the condition that's going to exist, let's say, for the next four weeks of February? Does that continue into part of March? When did things start to change again? Sure. So the planets move at different speeds and through different signs. So for instance, right now the sun is in Aquarius and the moon's going to move into Leo this weekend, but the moon stays in every sign for roughly two, two and a half days.

That moon cycle is constantly shifting. And a full moon is always in the sign opposite the sign that the sun is in. So we have the sun in Aquarius this weekend and the moon in Leo, which is why this opposition is why full moons are often so charged for us emotionally because you've got the sun, which is the self, and the sort of outward direction, and then the moon, which is our internal, instinctual self. So when those things are odds, you can imagine it makes for sort of tension, completion, and change. This is fascinating. Obviously, we're going to put all this up on our website for you, but you do have more information out there in some of your articles, correct? Absolutely. I have two articles up right now.

I have several, but the ones that are relevant to what we're talking about today. I have February horoscopes out for everybody, and also full moon predictions, the full moon in Leo. It's the full snow moon in Leo. Full snow moon, which we're kind of still waiting on here. Well, here's one last look at all of the signs. So again, if you're watching at home, let's throw that bad boy up again. We'll post them, and you can take a look.

There you go. Pick your sign, and you can see Virgo says, yes. Ari's purpose leads to power, and change is not the end of your portfolio. Leo, you're enough. Virgo, say yes. That's my mom and my sister. So mom, say yes to me.

Shoot your shot at love, Libras, okay? We love when people shoot their shots. Survival is self-improvement. Brittany, aren't you a Scorpio? I think our producer, Brittany, is a Scorpio.

New York Living

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