'Balloons' shot down not connected to China said Biden

'Balloons' shot down not connected to China said Biden

identified objects that were shot down by US fighter jets last week. Scott Swan joins us in studio after watching the president's remarks that were made nationwide just three hours ago. What are you hearing Scott? Well the president called those objects balloons today saying there's no indication that they were connected with China. The president also said investigators continue to examine the debris from the Chinese spy balloon recovered weeks ago off the coast of South Carolina. The president said today he did not want to shoot down that spy balloon over land because it was the size of multiple school buses and that debris could have been a danger to people on the ground. So here's how we described the most three recent objects shot down by those US fighter jets. We don't yet know exactly what these three objects were but nothing nothing right now suggests they were related to China's spy balloon program or that they were surveillance vehicles from other any other country.

Intelligence community's current assessment is that these three objects were most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions studying weather or conducting other scientific research. So the president went on to say there is no evidence right now of a sudden increase in the number of objects that are in the sky. The United States has taken steps to increase and narrow radars. The president is asking his team to come back with sharper rules on how to handle future unidentified objects. The president said if they do detect an object that is a threat, the United States is going to take it down.

chinese spy balloon

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