Wagner boss denies report that he offered intelligence to Kyiv in exchange for territory

Wagner boss denies report that he offered intelligence to Kyiv in exchange for territory

We want to zero in now on what's happening in Bakhmut with Kylie Atwood, whose life force at the State Department, because Kylie, the mercenary group, Wagner, has been spearheading the Russian effort there. And their leader, Yevgeny Progosian, reportedly made an offer to Ukrainian forces back in January that he would give up Russian troop positions. He's denying that now, but still a stunning revelation. Yeah, quite stunning indeed, Boris. So this is according to Washington Post reporting that's based on leaked intelligence documents that had leaked on to Discord, that social media app for gamers. And according to these documents, as you said, this happened in late January. Yevgeny Progosian, the head of that private Russian military group that is fighting on behalf of Russia alongside the Russian military in Ukraine, reached out to commanders in Ukraine and offered to them that if they were willing to withdraw some Ukrainian troops from around the area of Bakhmut that he would share with them Russian military positions.

Now, we don't know exactly what positions he was going to share, what troop movements on the Russian side he is privy to. But according to two Ukrainian sources who talked to the Washington Post and were familiar with this incident, there was no agreement that was struck because, of course, they were skeptical of the offer that Progosian was offering them. They really didn't know exactly what he could deliver on. And as you said, Progosian today is coming out on telegram, denying this, suggesting that this could have been leaked by his enemies. But critically, we're also hearing from the Kremlin. And the Kremlin spokesperson saying that they don't have the authority to speak to these reports and also saying, quote, it looks like another hoax. But what we're watching for here, Boris, is any actual response from the Kremlin.

We know that Progosian and Putin have quite a close relationship. But if this offer was actually made without knowledge of the Kremlin, that could result in quite a sticky situation. And so we'll watch to see how this plays out. This obviously happened in late January. So there's been a lot of time since then. So there's a lot to watch after this report. Boris? Yeah, the rift between Progosian and the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Not a surprise. This could be another front in that disagreement. Kaliatwood from the State Department. Thanks so much. The latest stop on Vladimir Zelensky's whirlwind tour of Europe was England, where he met today with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at his country estate at Checkers. The UK has promised an aid package that includes drones and missiles. President Zelensky, however, continues to push for fighter jets.

And he had this to say about the timing of his country's long anticipated counteroffensive. We really need some, some more time. Not too much. We'll be ready, you know, in some time. I want to be very honest with you. I can't share with you some dates. I just don't want to prepare.

Not not for our friends. There are no secrets from our friends, but there are some secrets from from our neighbors. Meantime on the battlefield, Russia is dealing with setbacks. First, Russia's defense ministry says that two commanders were killed in action in the Donetsk region of Eastern Ukraine. Russia rarely announces such deaths. This says Ukraine's deputy defense minister says Ukrainian forces have captured more than 10 Russian positions near Bakhmut. Months of fierce battles have left the Eastern Ukrainian city nearly empty and heavily damaged.

Sam Kiley is in southeastern Ukraine with a very later. So, Sam, we know that the UK recently gave Ukraine several storm shadow long-range missiles in addition to about $7 billion worth of military aid so far. Just walk us through what more Zelensky needs from the UK at this point in time as they prepare for that counter offensive. Well, Zane, on his shopping trip effectively around Europe, in which he was given full-sum diplomatic support, but more importantly, is leaving with the promise of a trolley full of equipment, particularly from Germany and the United Kingdom. He's been able to secure from the British, for example, long-range killer drones, longer-range missiles, more anti-aircraft missiles, more ammunition, and from Germany anti-aircraft tanks, as they call them there, wide range of armored vehicles and tanks. All of it, extremely important as Ukraine prepares for what is being vaunted, much-vaunted summer offensive. So, that has been successful.

What he hasn't yet been successful on, but there are indications that he might be, is in terms of securing the donations or even sale of F-16 fighter aircraft, fighter bombers, which is clear now the Ukrainians have settled upon as their ideal aircraft to prosecute this war. So far, NATO and particularly the United States have bolted at supplying what effectively is a strategic weapon in their view for fear of retaliation on a nuclear level, perhaps from Russia, but the British have now said that come in the summer, so imminently, they will begin training Ukrainian pilots in NATO tactics. Now, they don't have any F-16s to give, but they are very vocal in their support of the idea that Zelinsky and the Ukrainians should get those F-16s, and they will be, or would be, very, very useful indeed, since they're pretty much superior to anything that the Russians can put into the air, especially if you combine them with that heavy NATO firepower, the very sophisticated firepower such as Storm Shadow, the British and Anglo-French cruise missile that is now in the Ukrainian army and being put to use, and that ultimately is what the campaign will be all about. It will really hang from the Ukrainian perspective on whether or not they can get behind the Russian front lines and break the back of the logistics structures. If they can do that, they're hoping to actually collapse the whole Russian war effort here in pretty short order. That is their hope. There is no guarantee of that at all.

Of course, the Russians know it's coming and been digging in. They may have abandoned or may even not have, according to Ukraine intelligence, the capability now to launch offensive operations of any great significance, but that doesn't mean they can't defend the territory that they're already in, Zane. As you mentioned, though, the F-16s would be a game changer for the Ukrainians in combination with what they already have. Sam Kali, life for us there. Thank you so much.

latest news, Happening Now, CNN, Boris Sanchez, CNN News Central, Zain Asher, One World, Sam Kiley, Kiley Atwood, Yevgeny Prigozhin, Wagner Group, Bakhmut, Russia Troop Positions, Russia Military, Russia Ukraine War, Putin's War, Vladimir Putin, Russia Invasion, Ukraine Counteroffensive, Volodymyr Zelensky, Donbas, Donetsk, Luhansk, East Ukraine, South Ukraine, Crimea

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