Hollywood Writers' Strike Puts Dreams on Hold as Thousands Picket in LA

Hollywood Writers' Strike Puts Dreams on Hold as Thousands Picket in LA

The Hollywood writer's strike drags on after talks between the writer's guild and the major studios broke down on Monday. And covering this story, we met one writer on the picket line who says she is chasing her dream, but after getting a job, she moved to Los Angeles just in time for the strike. She tells us why she is putting down her laptop and picking up a sign. Fist up, pencils down, LA is a union town. Fist up, pencils down, LA is a union town. My name is Brandi Nicole and I am a staff writer on an untitled Bosch spinoff that's all about detective Renee Ballard. I became a writer, I joined the Writers Guild of America East a couple of years ago, moved out here four weeks ago, now we're on strike and so I'm here on the picket line.

I love all the honking. My hope and my goal is to be able to be a writer as a long term viable career and under the current circumstances that's just not possible. It's like a gig economy where you may only get one job a year where you're working for 10 to 20 weeks and then that has to hold you until the next year or two when another job comes available and that is not sustainable. Here we are. We are the creators of so many of your favorite TV shows, your favorite movies and so we should be able to share in this success. It is amazing to me how much money these CEOs have made and how I believe just two of their salaries combined would actually equal our collective ask. That makes zero sense to me so I will be out here on the picket line with my fellow brothers and sisters for as long as it takes for us to get our piece of the pie.

So this is two of Dells rolling in the deep, CEOs hoarded off profiting from peak TV. I love streaming content but I would like streaming content to pay us the same way that broad work TV does especially considering so many people are actually watching streaming, sometimes watching more streaming than they're watching on actual TV and they should, it's the same work so we should be paid the same. I love writing. I love being a storyteller. I love being around other storytellers who help us to build and create worlds and make it even better than I may have originally thought of. I have three boys. I'm very proud that they can see their moms out here pursuing her dreams and that I'm going for it and that it's happening and even though right now we have this strike, we together we will win.

The last writer strike that ended in 2008 lasted 100 days. Clayton Sandel, Scripps News.

Scripps News, writers strike, writers guild, writers guild of america, hollywood writers strike, hollywood writers strike 2023, Brandi Nicole

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