Jeffries Laces Into Fox News After Rupert Murdoch Admits Hosts Pushed False Election Fraud Claims

Jeffries Laces Into Fox News After Rupert Murdoch Admits Hosts Pushed False Election Fraud Claims

Sorry. You and the leader of the Schumer Center letter to talk to you earlier today saying you might see the prime time host publicly recant the big buy. Were that not to happen? What are you planning to instruct your members, both chambers, or ask them to do with regard to popsuites? What hot is their point of view? What's your recourse if this doesn't happen? Well, the letter speaks for itself and it relates specifically to the issue of the big lie, which apparently was well understood at the highest levels of Fox News. And I think leader Schumer and myself simply expressed the position that since everyone seems to clearly understand that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, that Donald Trump perpetrated a big lie to the American people that has had dangerous consequences, including a rise in political violence and an insurrection as part of the big lie. And I think that's why we're here today, as part of an effort to halt the peaceful transfer of power, that perhaps it's time for America to be able to move past that big lie and an important step would be those who know it was a big lie to publicly repudiated. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

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