Fox Host Desperately Seeking DeSantis Supporters IN A FLORIDA DINER

Fox Host Desperately Seeking DeSantis Supporters IN A FLORIDA DINER

Brian Kilmeade visited a diner and did some on the ground journalism, Cenk. Real hard hitting. Wanted to ask the patrons in Florida specifically whether they support Ron DeSantis or Trump for the Republican primary in 2024. Why don't we see what they said? 2024, who's pumped up for the election? Hi, rapid fire, who's your man, who's your woman? My man, Donald Trump. Donald Trump, Christie Know. Christie Know. Who's your man, Trump? Woman.

Trump. A lot of Trump fans. Trump and Nikki Haley. And Nikki Haley. Donald Trump and Nikki Haley. So far, a lot of Donald Trump. I see Governor DeSantis, what about President DeSantis? I like it, I like it.

Who's your pick? Oh gosh, I don't know. Trump or DeSantis? I'm either or. So DeSantis got half, right? Because that woman was fine with Trump. So they mentioned two candidates, so we scored them for both. And I know that our TYT logo was covering up the final scores, let me tell you. It was seven for Trump, one for DeSantis and three for other. And every other was with Trump.

It was Noam and Trump and Nikki Haley and Trump, right? And Fox News is going towards DeSantis, they want DeSantis to win, right? So Kim is like, anybody, I'm in Florida, he's the governor. He's just won by 20 points, anybody say DeSantis? And it must have been a producer that tipped him off, they're like, go behind you, Brian. There's someone in a DeSantis t-shirt, right? So he's like, right, and he goes and finds a DeSantis lady. And she's like, President DeSantis, I like it. But Trump, okay. Yeah, man, and that's it. Guys, guys.

Hold on, hold on, hold on. This is a diner in Florida. It's in Florida. It's in Florida. And it's a diner. These are real Republicans. These are the actual voters.

Democrats like diners too, okay? I love diners. Don't mislead them. But it's in Florida, that's the relevant part, right? So Floridians do really like DeSantis, but not enough to want him as President over Trump. And by the way, this isn't some scientific study, okay? This is a nationally representative sample. However, this is anecdotal and still communicates something about where the hearts and minds of the Republican electorate lie. So look, keeping it real, media does an amazing job of influencing people. So that's part of the reason Trump won on the first was because not only Fox, but CNN, MSNBC, CBS, they all were like Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump.

And Hillary Clinton outraised Donald Trump nearly two to one. But when you took free media into consideration, Donald Trump was on TV and in media more than Hillary Clinton. Because he won free media, right? And so in this case, they've been pushing towards DeSantis and anyone else other than Donald Trump. The problem is Trump already is famous and was president and is well known. So if you're doing it to unknown progressive like Bernie Sanders was in 2015, you just go Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton. You know how often ABC News Prime Time talked about Bernie Sanders in his legendary run and up to the 2016 primaries in the year 2015, as he's gaining giant momentum and closing a 50 point lead, seven seconds. They covered him for seven seconds.

The entire year, okay? So with progressives, the media, corporate media has a great way of shutting us out. Just don't talk about them, okay? And people won't find out. But on the right wing side, they already know Donald Trump. You're not gonna trick them, okay? And whether you like it or not. And guys, there's one other thing about corporate media in Washington that's hard for you all to understand when you live in the real world. In Washington, they don't know that they live in an alternate reality. They genuinely don't know that.

So since everyone in Washington is going, it's obviously DeSantis. Trump is done, Trump is done. It's definitely DeSantis, right? They all genuinely believe it. Even though poll after poll shows, no, it's Trump, right? So this one is anecdotal, but just earlier today, I gave you the poll from Emerson. Trump's got a 30 point lead on him. My favorite is, they did all the ones that are declared Nikki Haley, some rando guy, and Trump. Trump has a 61 point lead on Nikki Haley.

Nikki Haley. Why is she even on TV? She's the most irrelevant person in America. No, you saw that diner. It's done, done DeSantis. That's what it is. Stick a fork in him, he's done. I wanna go to the very last video here because Kilmeade also caught up with Ron DeSantis and specifically asked him about some of the insults and attacks that Trump has thrown in his direction.

Very curious what he had to say. I actually haven't seen this video yet, so let's watch. Are you guys speaking now? Do you plan on speaking to him? He seems to be taking some shots at you. No, I mean, look, I mean, it's silly season. I mean, you know how some of this stuff goes. And obviously he does his thing and it's just that's kind of who he is. He can say what he wants about me, always give him credit for the things that he did that were positive and I'm appreciative of a lot of the things that he did.

Doesn't mean I agree with everything that he's doing lately or whatever. But ultimately it's about delivering for the people you represent. Yeah, I don't know. That wasn't the worst response. It doesn't matter. But he's scared. You can hear it in his voice.

And it's vanilla. He's a standard acting politician, right? He's not gonna win. What is that talking about? It's silly season. That's what people in Washington say when Donald Trump attacks people. That's not what right wing voters say, okay? They don't think Donald Trump is in silly season when he attacks you, okay? And he's like, we don't agree with everything, really? What do you agree and disagree about? You're not even willing to say it. You're so scared, right? I mean, there's a lot that I agree with him on on what he did. You're so scared and all you're doing is talking points.

There's no chance that this guy, did you hear him? No, look, I give the right wing voters credit on this and nobody attacks right wing voters more than I do, okay? But they are good at sniffing out elitist BS. They're not good at sniffing out any other BS. They're damn false for a lot of BS, right? But when the elitist come in, they're like, I am the real populist here. The right wing voters are like, get it, get it, okay? I give them tremendous credit for that. Because the Democratic voters, they love elitist BS. You bring in an Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and they're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so right. Oh, these guys are really for us.

Klobuchar for you, for your Buttigieg. Come on, so hey, there, right wing voters don't ever say I didn't say something kind about you. Thank you.

230228__BE02FoxNewsVsDeSantisSupporters, News, Politics, TYT, The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur, Progressive, TYT Network, Ana Kasparian, political establishment, John Iadarola, Breaking News, 2020, Election 2020, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, 2020 Election Results, Biden, Trump, 2022 election, 2024 election, 2024

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