Commanders sale not likely before NFL owners meeting: reports | FOX 5's DMV Zone

Commanders sale not likely before NFL owners meeting: reports | FOX 5's DMV Zone

All right, we have talked about this extensively. Yes, we have. Continue to talk about it. The commander's potential sale, now looking like it'll be a no-go, no dice at least before the NFL owners meeting next week, which was really where things were heading. That was the milestone, right? Yeah, well, there was a lot of threats from some other owners, like the Indianapolis colt owner, Urse, saying, listen, we'll vote you out if you can't come with the sale. But things are moving quickly, maybe not as quickly as some had hoped. Potential buyers scrambling to meet Dan Snyder's demands and some new names now in the mix.

OK. Fox Business' Charles Gasperino joining us live to talk about this all. Charles, a couple days ago, we heard Magic Johnson joining this Josh Harris bid. And today, there's new reports about a Canadian billionaire also added to that team. What you got today? You know, more of the same. I mean, I think what we're seeing here is that no one really has the magic number six. That's in six billion to do this.

I mean, you would not see Josh Harris bringing in Magic Johnson if he had the money. And Josh Harris is very wealthy. He worked, he ran Apollo Management, which is a top private equity firm for many years. He's now doing his own thing. He has something called the Harris Blitzer Sports and Entertainment. They own the Philadelphia 76ers. But in order to get six billion, and you have to have it in a certain way, like a chunk of it, like something like 30% has to be cash.

It has to be one significant owner, not spread out among the many people. You know, that's a hard nut to reach and to make. And you know what? Not a lot of people have it. Jeff Bezos, if and when he bids, could make that pretty easily. He's got the cash. But apparently, Josh Harris doesn't yet. But we'll see.

By the way, it's weird that you haven't heard a word from Dan Snyder on this, whether he really wants to sell the team. I mean, the indications are that he's moving in that direction. But by the way, can you imagine? When has he really spoken publicly about financial affairs? Yeah, he hasn't. And he keeps a lower profile on that sort of stuff. And he doesn't like, I mean, I know people that know him. And I know Dan a little bit. And I happen to like the guy.

But I think he feels like he's being pressured into doing this. He feels that he's being pressured into doing this unfairly. And if he's going to do this, and this is some of my surmise in this whole thing, they're going to have to pay him dearly. And they're going to have to come up with $6 billion. And it's not an easy thing to meet. He is annoyed from what I understand about Jeff Bezos and the way, you know, Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post, the way the Post has handled some of the allegations of sexual harassment inside the organization. He thinks that he, it was made personal to him when it wasn't him.

So I know he harbors that. But I really do think if Jeff Bezos wrote a check for $6 and a half billion, he'd take it. You think so? I mean, he bought the team. He bought the team for $800 million. Yeah, he'll take that Jeff Bezos money. He's going to take it. The commanders at one point were one of the best selling franchises in the world.

Biggest. We had the most history franchise ever. And it was making a lot of money. But that has really devalued Charles in the past couple of years. And maybe the $8 million that initially had been talked about, $8 billion, I should say, is now more like $2.6 billion. But it doesn't seem like.

You know, you're educated me. I've never heard $8 billion. When was that? Oh, yeah. I mean, this was a couple of years ago. And now they're saying that the team's not even worth $5 billion. And yet he's asking for $6. Well, $5 billion is a lot of money.

$5 billion is a lot of money. I mean, what was the last sale for a team was the Broncos, I think, right? Am I missing something? Well, I know Josh Harris was, and Magic Johnson were looking to get in on that one. And they couldn't make it happen. Yeah, because it's $4 billion. I think it was $4.5 billion, a lot of money. And $6 billion is a real lot of money.

And listen, the NFL has some business pressures. Obviously, it's a money-making machine. But there's CTE. There's liabilities. There's people cutting the cord. I mean, how do they sell the games on TV? I mean, there are business pressures that can make these teams. Well, and how much pressure do you think is coming from that meeting next week when you have people like Ursa going public and saying, we will hold a vote if this doesn't happen? You know, first off, I don't think logistically you can do this in a week.

I mean, that's one of the issues here. And I think that's why that doesn't mean it's not going to be sold. But I'm just telling you that the way I understand, this thing is going to take like a month to get it together, get the bids in, have it approved. The owners have to vote on it. So there's a lot of steps between the deal and the approval that's going to take more than a week. And so that's why I reported yesterday that it's unlikely people are telling me inside the NFL that it's unlikely to happen by the meeting. We'll see what happens.

It's definitely heating up. But more names come up. And that is, we'll see that meeting coming up in early next week. So stay with DMVZone. We'll be right back. Me and you. I'm telling you, we can get this money together.

We can go buy this team.

dmv-zone, commanders, washington commanders

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