7 hurt on flight to Germany after severe turbulence, emergency landing at Dulles | FOX 5 DC

7 hurt on flight to Germany after severe turbulence, emergency landing at Dulles | FOX 5 DC

The flight from Texas to Germany devoted, diverted rather to Dallas after a brief, but serious bout with turbulence and when the plane landed, seven people were hurt. David Kaplan is live at Dallas after talking with passengers on that flight today. So one day later, David, how are they feeling? Well, Jim, fine, but definitely shaken. You look at those pictures, you can understand why. Passengers say the flight got off to a bit of a bumpy start, but this big bump, then a big drop, is what really scared some passengers like Hunter Wins. Take a listen to his description of what that drop felt like. There was that initial drop.

There was a couple close ones, or there are a couple of drops where you kind of felt like it wasn't, if that was the only drop that there was, it wouldn't have been a big deal, but there were a lot of drops that seemed like that they were gonna lead to something more. Some of them left, did go to something more, others didn't. Just a terrifying couple of minutes in the air there, indications are from passengers, the plane may have passed some storms in Tennessee, then hit a really rough patch of air. Unclear tonight, where the plane was in relation to those storms, but both passengers who spoke with Fox Five indicated, both passengers indicated that the fastened seatbelt sign was off and meal service was happening, hence the pictures showing food and bags everywhere. The Federal Aviation Administration's investigating. Fox Five spoke with Richard Levy today. He's a pilot 40 years, also a trainer of pilots.

We asked him what the FAA may be looking into here as part of an investigation. They'll be asked, what did the weather radar show? What was the ride like before you went into the turbulence? And if you did go around thunderstorms, which were forecast over Tennessee, why were people standing? Why was there a meal service going on? Now there could have been no turbulence at all and they could have a very good answer. This could be unexpected clear air turbulence. Could be unexpected clear air turbulence. I talked to Levy, I also talked to a pilot today who says that's really tough to foresee for pilots, especially if they don't have reports from other pilots or air traffic control about some potential rough air when it does essentially look clear, Jim. Again, the exact cause of what might have caused this bumpiness remains under active investigation. David, what's the airline saying tonight? Well, Jim, the airline wants to get to the bottom of it as well.

They say they're looking into exactly what happened. They also sort of apologize for the inconvenience to passengers, passengers who tell me the airline has been pretty good, they say, about rebooking them to their European destinations after this unexpected pit stop here in the DMV. Yeah, no doubt about that. David Kamp on the Delft Sun, David, thank you.

news, dulles, dulles emergency landing, severe turbulance

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