Turkey and Syria struck by 7.8 and 7.6-magnitude earthquakes

Turkey and Syria struck by 7.8 and 7.6-magnitude earthquakes

But we begin this morning with breaking news out of Turkey and Syria. Overnight two massive earthquakes struck southeastern Turkey, their magnitude 7.8 and 7.6. The quakes caused widespread devastation and a catastrophic loss of life both in Turkey and across the border in northern Syria. The combined death toll now stands at more than 1,300, according to officials in both countries. And a staggering figure, one that is expected to rise as search and rescue efforts continue.

Let's get right out to NBC News foreign correspondent Megan Fitzgerald with the very latest. So Megan, I mean, this is just a huge disaster that's unfolding right now in two countries. Let's talk about the situation in Turkey where the epicenter is. How are rescue operations going there? Joe, good morning. Good to be with you. I mean, this is an absolutely dire and certainly devastating situation. I mean, as you mentioned, the death toll just continues to soar right now, soaring past the thousand in both countries where thousands of more are feared to be injured.

You know, I mean, this is something that Turkey has not seen in more than 100 years, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, the largest that they have ever seen. So you can imagine the devastation, the pictures that are coming in are just incredible. I mean, buildings collapse. People trapped underneath the rubble, first responders rushing to the scene, trying to pull people out. The chaotic situation where people are screaming for their family members that they can't locate, all while first responders are telling people to remain silent so that they can listen to the cries for help of people that are trapped beneath the rubble as they work to try and pull them out and rush them to safety. We know also that we've seen toddlers and children being pulled from the rubble, passed from first responder to first responder.

First responders are doing everything they can to try and save people, but the entire world is watching what is no doubt a humanitarian crisis unfold. Yeah, and we have to keep in mind, I mean, this quake hit in an area that is home to millions of Syrian refugees. How are we hearing as far as Syria coping with this tragedy? How are they coping with it? Yeah, Joe, it's absolutely devastating. I mean, as you mentioned, this is an earthquake that hit, and then of course another one that hit in the middle of the night when people were sleeping. We know that Syrian officials have activated the military from all across the country to rush to the northern part of the country to try and help a similar scene to what we're seeing in Turkey, where buildings have collapsed, homes in rubble. It's a race against time, essentially, to try and pull people from the rubble to try and save their lives. I mean, we're hearing from a spokesperson for the Syrian civil defense who has this desperate plea to the world to try and help his people.

I want you to listen to a little bit of what he had to say. It's very difficult test for us. We need help. We need the international community to do something to help us, to support us. North Syria now it's disaster area. We need help from everyone to save our people. Yeah, on the verge of tears, I mean, you can just listen to the desperation in his voice as they are now calling on the world to rush in, because again, this is a race against time as people are trapped beneath the rubble.

And of course, keep in mind that this is in the depths of winter. We've already heard from Turkey talking about how that has impacted the ability of first responders to respond in some instances. So again, Joe, just a dire situation unfolding. Yeah, Megan. I want to hear those pleas for help from the international community. We know reaction is pouring in from the international community so far. No doubt more help will be coming.

That includes reaction from the White House. What are we hearing there? Yeah, you're absolutely right. The White House putting out a statement that I'm going to read shortly, but we've also heard from the president of Turkey, President Erdogan, saying that some 45 countries have reached out and they continue to reach out, offering help with search and rescue. From countries like India to Germany and Poland, even war-torn Ukraine, President Zelensky offering his assistance as well, doing everything they can to try and help the people of Turkey. I want to read for you this statement from the White House. Jake Sullivan putting out this statement. He says, quote, we stand ready to provide any and all needed assistance.

President Biden has directed U.S. aid and other federal government partners to assess U.S. response options to help those most affected. We will continue to closely monitor the situation in coordination with the government of Turkey. Now, it certainly stands out the fact that Syria was not mentioned here.

It's unclear as to what help, if any, the U.S. will provide to Turkey and its allies. So of course, that is something that we'll be watching. But again, the world is watching a humanitarian crisis unfold, Joe. All right, Megan Fitzgerald on this breaking news, the tragedy in Turkey and Syria. Megan, thank you.

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