Should Alabama's Brandon Miller be playing after his connection to a murder became public?

Should Alabama's Brandon Miller be playing after his connection to a murder became public?

The lack of judgment in bringing a weapon that was very shortly after that used to kill a woman is probably something that warrants some kind of disciplinary action. We have the Alabama basketball story. It's one way to get people to start talking about college basketball is to have the national player of the year potentially have his name come up in a preliminary hearing on a murder from back in January that one of his teammates now former teammate is facing capital capital felony for and it is it is quite a quite a story and quite an uproar that has come out about it. Brandon Miller is the is the star player. He's absolutely phenomenal potential number three pick in the NBA draft possibly ahead of Scoot Henderson at two who knows he's six foot nine he scored 41 points last night or Wednesday night if you will this is Thursday morning against South Carolina although if you want to know exactly how this whole story is going down it was pointed out and Ross and I just looked through it the Alabama men's basketball Twitter feed makes no mention of Brandon Miller from last night's 76 78 76 victory in overtime against South Carolina no pictures no highlights no words about him he scored 41 of the 78 points and he's not even he scored 41 he scored the tying basket at the end of regulation in the winning basket at the end of overtime. Yeah not mentioned didn't didn't get a didn't get a hype on the and the Alabama men's basketball Twitter page this is just a weird weird story. I mean it was a real bombshell that came out I guess it was Tuesday you know that all of a sudden a a a police officer law enforcement officer in a hearing said Brandon Miller brought the gun to the scene and everything that unfolded from there there had been a little bit of rumor that like Miller either was around or his car had gotten shot up and that actually turned out to be true but but there had been no confirmation of that there was you know he wasn't mentioned in the early reports or anything and then all of a sudden you get to this preliminary hearing he's like wait a minute what what happened and so you know the reaction to that was was swift and strong and then yeah I thought Nato was embarrassing to himself and to his university with his handling of it his words at least in reaction to it and yeah you again you yeah you could apologize if you want but why why are you there's ever why would it ever cross your mind to say I have wrong spot wrong time unless you don't really seem to care very much about what happened and then yeah I'm going ahead and playing him look I I think that at some point in time a Alabama could have been much more forthcoming and that Brandon Miller and Jaden Bradley probably should have sat some games and if you get in front of this is Alabama instead of basically trying to hope it's all going to go away which was not a very good strategy if you think this wasn't going to come out that if they say you know what we had a couple other players that were there we think they exercised very poor judgment and being there Brandon Miller ain't gonna play for four games or whatever five games and same with Jaden Bradley and we're just going to go through that in January and it really wouldn't have mattered then you don't have this now at the crunch time of the season but anyway that's the way they've chosen to handle it and Brandon Miller's playing and Alabama really doesn't seem to care what anybody else thinks it's an awful situation and and I was like falling asleep last night thinking about you know because I always think try to think of both sides here and like you know if I'm if I'm Brandon Miller and I have a friend or something who calls me and tells me to bring bring bring his gun to him I was thinking like when I was in college and I would have a friend and you know we live and I live with three other guys in college in a house and they had hunting rifles and I'm just like thinking if my friend is one of my friends is my roommate's is downtown Starkville and I'm at the house and they call me and they say hey bring one of my hunting rifles to me I'm probably not bringing the rifle to my friend all right I'm probably or I'm asking why why am I bringing this gun to you when you're downtown in a busy street and so there's really a and I know I understand that you know Brandon Miller's what 19 or something 20 whatever you know still at that age right it's it's it would be wise to ask questions or or not do that so there's there's somewhat of a lack of judgment there and even though he hasn't been charged and I know Dan's gonna get probably into that later about the intent and all that al.

com had a story about intent and why he's not charged the lack of judgment in bringing a weapon that was very shortly after that used to kill a woman is is probably something that warrants some kind of disciplinary action I would think right you know and look whether Miller sits two games or five games or doesn't play doesn't bring back you know doesn't doesn't cause it doesn't doesn't bring back you may a Harris or anything like that.

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