Ohio train derailment sparks new environmental concerns

Ohio train derailment sparks new environmental concerns

All right, the media mob has largely ignored what is a growing disaster in Ohio, which started after a train carrying hazardous materials derailed near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border in East Palestine, Ohio. That prompted an evacuation order for nearby residents and controlled burning, as you can see, of the remaining chemicals. Now, tonight, the environmental concerns are growing, prompting water utility companies to take precautions. Now, while reports are all over the place about animals falling sick and dying or circulating, well, here with more is Ohio Congressman Bill Johnson. He represents the district and was at the scene earlier today. I've seen pictures of dead fish, of dead animals, people talking about, you know, they don't believe the water's safe. How bad is this, and what has the federal government done to help you? Yeah.

Sean, I was there. I had boots on the ground there earlier today, and you're exactly right. The primary concern, the number one priority, is the quality of the air, the water, and the safety and security of the people that live there. Look, I haven't seen myself. I didn't see any dead animals. I was told that there were some dead fish that were in a nearby water spot, and I was also told that there were some foxes that had not been evacuated, that perished as well. So I'm not certain about that, but I can tell you that from what I saw today, the site is largely cleaned up, and there's more cleaned up to do.

The EPA has sampled and continues to sample the air quality. They've done 285-plus home air tests. They've got 185 more scheduled. They're testing the water around the clock, and you can better believe I'm going to be asking questions to make sure that we continue that until we're 100 percent sure that we've really mitigated this problem. All right, Congressman, keep us in the loop. Our prayers are with the people in your district and community. Thank you, sir.

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