More instances of bullying revealed at high school after teen takes own life

More instances of bullying revealed at high school after teen takes own life

Miwa, tonight the story that continues to rattle anyone with a teenager in high school. New revelations of violent bullying among girls at a school in New Jersey where last week a 14-year-old took her own life after she was attacked by four classmates. The video was posted online. Turns out there's other video of other kids and tonight one mom has hired an attorney. What parent wouldn't be worried? Here's New Jersey reporter Tony Gates. Tatiana Artis and Nevea Olivo have not been back to Central Regional High School for three days. They say 14-year-old Adriana Kush, who died by suicide after being attacked, the video posted online was their friend and Nevea admits she would have not stood by had she been there.

I would have helped her. I wouldn't have let her get beat up. The Central Regional School District accepted the superintendent's resignation over the weekend and says it is evaluating all current and past allegations of bullying, which has drawn attention to other fights that have been recorded at the school. One mother, Rachel O'Day, hired an attorney. This video shows her daughter. One girl held her bag and struck her and the other one continued to strike her and a third one videoed it. It's humiliating to have to not only go through that and then also after the fact still be bullied.

The punches in this video were thrown by Nevea. Her father now angry, saying Nevea responded with violence because she was threatened. When she texted me and said that she was going to fight me, the bell rang and it was going to the next period. And I seen her in the hallway. They pass each other in the hallway and she called my daughter Fat B. I can't let her hit me first. She's bigger than me.

She'll beat me up. It's these online fights and threats that are out of hand and Instagram Live where Tatiana claims O'Day is heard here being the instigator against a 12 year old friend. Yeah, you're 12 and you have the biggest mouth and you don't know when to shut it, bro. And Tatiana says she was then the target. She was just like, all right, so like what's up? Like I want to fight you. The two teachers that were there, like they didn't say anything. They were just like, calm down.

I asked both parents about the responsibility of the parents and the school to know what's happening in the hallways and online. All of it is inappropriate. All of the violence, the threats, the attacks, all of it. I have never seen any of this video or messages. If us parents were called and we could have talked as adults without kids there, her daughter would have never been on video. Somebody videoed it. That's what kids do.

My daughter would have never hit her. I thought it was defending herself. Frankly, I don't care what is expressed in a text or in a message. Violence is never acceptable. It doesn't get any worse than a child deciding it's too much to live with. In Berkeley, Tony Yates, Channel 7 Eyewitness News. Oh, those poor parents and families and girls.

And we want to remind you that if you or anyone you know is struggling, you can call a national suicide and crisis helpline. It's here on the screen. Those numbers. Just three numbers. 988 anytime. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.

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