Here are the top 3 ads from the 2023 Super Bowl

Here are the top 3 ads from the 2023 Super Bowl

We're back now 738 last night Super Bowl was a thriller but we know a lot of people were watching for the commercials. Yeah and this year's batch did not disappoint plenty of laughs, a tear-jerker here and there and to break down the top rated commercials returning to USA Today's Ad Meter which has been ranking Super Bowl ads for more than three decades. Ralphie Aversa is here and we'll reveal the top three as voted on by you America. Ralphie good morning. Hey good morning thanks for having me. Well first of all let's just set the table a little bit. How do you think the ads were this year? How much did we spend on these Super Bowl ads? Well 32nd ad was about seven million dollars and that doesn't include what the talent costs and the production costs.

That's just the airtime. Yeah and then a lot of these campaigns they start before the Super Bowl they extend past the big game so yeah it's it's a lot of money that's happening here. As far as the ads overall I think they were pretty good a lot of comedy a lot of star power but we'll see if that actually cut through when we reveal the results. Number three on your special list is Amazon's saving Sawyer. What was appealing about that ad? Well first of all dogs right? If you're a dog person, if you're a pet person, if you're a cat person maybe you couldn't relate. I don't know but Sawyer was actually a stray five years ago and then his owner Liz found him in a shelter and as we see in this ad here he's a little lonely but then towards the end of the ad he ends up getting a companion and yeah he's not a good boy. During the pandemic he was used to the whole family being there.

Exactly. Exactly but pretty crazy to go from a stray to you know a screen dog in five years. Yeah it's interesting and then the Amazon I mean it's funny because the story seemed to take precedence over what they were selling but at the end we see the Amazon box. They didn't sell Alexa this year. Remember Michael B Jordan a couple years ago Colin and Scarjo last year? Yeah no Alexa just Sawyer but that was good enough to rank it number three. Okay number two was an NFL ad we can play a little bit of it it's called run with it let's roll it. Is there anyone that can pull your flag? Well I'm sure someone can.

You're right here. What? We are fine. Game on! I got a game on! It's all about the soul. We gotta run. She got moody's. It was so cute. Yeah.

Yeah 25 year old Diana Garcia that's the person that's running there she is the quarterback on the Mexico World Champion flag football team USA Today spoke with the chief marketing officer for the NFL they want to expand and they want to appeal to more Latinos more women and a younger fan base this is a multi-generational ad whether you talk about some of the current stars or a youtuber like mr. Beast or you know Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly go bills so so yeah so you had a lot of different familiar faces. Let's get to number one this was a real tier jerker involved another dog and it was it was a wow. Yes it was absolutely USA Today's number one. Oh it was so sweet you know it feels like this commercial I mean if you're gonna spend seven million dollars makes sense to be a company that isn't well known now suddenly everyone's talking about the farmer's dog what a super bowl commercial debut. Yes farmer's dog I mean again USA Today's ad meters been going on 35 years we had to go all the way back to 1990 to even try to find a company who debuted at number one on ad meter farmer's dog company that was co-founded in Brooklyn was able to do that with this dog that lived a lifetime I don't know if that's what they're trying to say with this ad that if you if you use the farmer's dog food that this dog your dog is gonna live forever but wow what a commercial you know what's interesting none of the top ads had a celeb in it did celebs actually pay off did it pay off to have a celebrity in your ad well look every brand has a different objective as far as USA Today's ad meters concerned the A-list stars and there were plenty of them and there were multiple in you know single ads they didn't cut through. Oh I like that the farmer's dog ad what about the Ben J.

Lo one did that. That did rank at number four okay I think one of the things I loved about that was just you know Ben he's like Boston through and through right like on gong girl wouldn't wear a Yankees hat because he's such a big Red Sox fan we've seen all the photos of him you know holding Duncan so and then of course J. Lo rolling through the drive through now Hoda I know you're close with J. Lo do you think that she was scripted into that commercial or do you think that she just showed up on set and ended up in the commercial. Oh I have a feeling she was scripted. Yeah we have a feeling. Oh okay.

All right Ralphie thank you. Thank you so much. Hey thanks for watching don't miss the Today Show every weekday at 11 a.m. Eastern 8 Pacific on our streaming channel today all day to watch head to slash all day or click the link right here.

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