Matt Gaetz Threatens McCarthy if Dems Used to Pass Short-Term Funding

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Rep. Matt Gaetz has issued a direct warning to Speaker McCarthy, threatening to call for a motion of vacate if the speaker relies on Democrats to pass a short-term funding bill. He insists that McCarthy must come into compliance with the agreement made in January, which includes a top spending line and single subject appropriations bills.

Republican Matt Gaetz Warns Speaker McCarthy Against Democrats Helping with Short-Term Funding

Reports indicate that Matt Gaetz has warned Speaker McCarthy about using Democrats to pass short-term funding. In an interview with reporters, Gaetz claimed that whether a motion of vacate is filed lies in the hands of Speaker McCarthy, who only needs to comply with the deal made in January. He added that in the last few hours, there has been real momentum behind the concept of abandoning governing by continuing resolution and instead moving to an agreed-upon top line spending number.

Moving from Continuing Resolutions to Single Subject Appropriations Bills

Gaetz has been pushing for the idea of abandoning governing by continuing resolution and instead setting a top line consistent with the agreement made in January. He believes that lumping all the disparate agencies of government together in one vote is a bad and an unserious way to govern. Gaetz added that if a one-month CR is proposed and a top line agreed upon, it would not trigger a vacay. He, however, insists that they are done governing by CR.

Democrats and Moderate Republicans Working Together Could Harm the GOP

Gaetz expressed his dissatisfaction if Republican moderates would team up with Democrats and sign a discharge petition to take over the floor with Democrats. He believes that this would be signing their own political death warrant and handing it to their executioner because it will be the very Democrats they act in concert that will hunt them during upcoming election season.

Calling for Compliance

Speaker McCarthy relies on the Democrats to pass a continuing resolution, but Gaetz warns that if he does so, he should expect a call from the Capitol moving truck to his office, and he will be out of the speaker's office promptly. Gaetz has been calling for an up or down vote on a balanced budget amendment and congressional term limits, which McCarthy has not complied with.

Deadline to File a Motion to Vacate

When asked about the deadline to file a motion to vacate, Gaetz claims that this government funding dispute presents a real crucible to make that decision. He insisted that his principal goal in that battle has been to kill the continuing resolution that was offered by some of his colleagues.

Government Shutdown

Gaetz believes that there will be a government shutdown, and it is Speaker McCarthy's fault entirely. He argues that they cannot blame Joe Biden, House Democrats, or even Chuck Schumer and the Senate as they were entirely in control of whether they would be on schedule with the single-subject spending bills. Gaetz has been pushing for single-subject spending bills but believes that lobbyists and special interests are opposed to such a move because it decentralizes power.

Whip's a Harsh Word

When asked how many know he has whipped to support his ideas, Gaetz clarified that he does not whip anyone, but he only tries to encourage them. He believes that moving away from CRs is the way to go in governing the country.

Gaetz also demands an up or down vote on congressional term limits and a balanced budget amendment. He warns of a government shutdown, which he says will be entirely McCarthy's fault.

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