Texans Fear Rolling Blackouts as Leaders Ask Residents to Conserve Power

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  • Texans urged to conserve power as Urquhart addresses high demand and reduced wind power.
  • Puzzlement arises as the weather is relatively moderate, unlike previous hot months.
  • Seniors and vulnerable individuals are at risk due to potential power outages.
  • City facilities energy policy outlines temperature maintenance guidelines.
  • Challenges include low wind and solar power, leading to concerns about blackouts.

Urquhart is once again asking Texans to cut back on their electricity use due to high demand and decreased wind power. The conservation push is ongoing, sparking concerns about rolling blackouts.

Texans are facing the possibility of rolling blackouts as Urquhart, in response to high demand and reduced wind power, urges residents to conserve electricity. Despite the current appeal for conservation, many are puzzled as the weather is not as hot as earlier this month. This situation is particularly worrying for vulnerable groups like seniors. The impact of power outages on seniors, especially those who rely on air conditioning for health reasons, is concerning.

Joe Garcia from the city's Northeast Senior Center is advocating for increased efforts by the city to address the situation. He emphasizes raising thermostats in city-owned facilities, including those in the business sector. The city's municipal facilities energy policy already outlines guidelines for temperature maintenance in various scenarios.

The drop in wind power, a key source of energy generation, is contributing to the power shortage. Urquhart's request for reduced usage is tied to challenges posed by record demand, low wind power, and declining solar power during the evening hours. The city advises residents on preparing for potential power outages, including finding alternate power sources and being mindful of medical needs that rely on electricity.

For those seeking relief from the heat, the city offers a list of libraries, community centers, and senior centers that provide a cool place to stay. However, the concern over potential blackouts remains.

As the situation unfolds, Texans are navigating the need to conserve power to avoid blackouts while also ensuring the well-being of vulnerable individuals in the community.

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