Tennessee Calls Special Session to Address Gun Violence

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  • Tennessee's special session aims to address gun violence, particularly in schools, after a recent school shooting.
  • Enhanced orders of protection and red flag laws are off the table for consideration in this session.
  • Governor Bill Lee advocates for an emergency relief protection order to separate guns from dangerous individuals.
  • Challenges and opposition are expected, with some state House Republicans and the Tennessee Firearms Association opposing certain measures.
  • Mixed Republican support exists for gun control measures, with debates on terminology and rebranding.
  • Public opinion appears divided on the issue of tighter gun laws, with some questioning the validity of a public comment survey.
  • The special session begins today, marking a crucial moment in Tennessee's efforts to address gun violence.

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has called a special session to address gun violence in the state, particularly in schools, following a tragic school shooting in March. The session begins today and will cover a range of topics, from school safety measures to penalties for mass violence threats.

Enhanced Orders of Protection and Red Flag Laws Off the Table

Tennessee House Speaker Cameron Sexton has made it clear that enhanced orders of protection and red flag laws will not be considered during this special session. This decision sets the tone for how the session will proceed.

Emergency Relief Protection Order

Governor Bill Lee is advocating for an emergency relief protection order aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals. This measure is at the forefront of his efforts to address gun violence.

Challenges and Opposition

Despite the governor's efforts, he is likely to face challenges and opposition during the session. State House Republicans have shown growing resistance to certain proposals. The Tennessee Firearms Association, a significant donor to Republican legislators, is particularly vocal against red flag laws.

Mixed Republican Support

While some Republicans support elements of gun control measures, others are hesitant. Senate Governor McNally has expressed support for red flag laws, but there is debate over whether to rebrand them. House leaders like Jeremy Faizon have also voiced support for some forms of gun control.

Public Opinion Divide

A public comment survey following Governor Bill Lee's call for a special session reveals a divide in public opinion. More people appear to be in favor of tighter gun laws, but Republican Senator Mark Pote believes this survey may not be the right avenue to gauge public sentiment.

Special Session Begins Today

The special session on gun violence begins today, with ongoing updates expected. Governor Bill Lee's determination to address this pressing issue reflects the state's commitment to enhancing safety in schools and communities.

As the special session unfolds, Tennessee grapples with finding common ground on gun violence prevention measures. The tragic school shooting earlier this year has intensified the urgency of this debate. Stay tuned for further developments as the state seeks solutions to reduce gun violence.

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