Sweet gifts for Mother's Day

Sweet gifts for Mother's Day

the next day. We'll be right here. All right, Mother's Day is this Sunday, and if you want to get her a sweet gift that'll make sure make sure to make her love for you blossom. We have you covered this morning. Joining me now is the owner of keys. Chocolate's on the upper West Side, Keeling Tong and the owner of Dennis flowers and gifts in New Milford, New Jersey. Kim Dennis Thanks so much for being here.

Both of you. Thanks for having us. I wish we had smell of vision because this smells so good right now. Anyway, there are a lot of flowers here. I'm sure you'll be able to get a lot of flowers for you. I'm sure you'll be able to get a lot of flowers for men from Mother's Day, so I would say dog chocolate, but. Any chocolate.

It's good. Is it dark chocolate because it's healthier? Is that kind of big these days open more? Um. Definitely more healthier. Sorry. It's tastier. I think Oh, interesting. It's my favorite too.

And how about flowers for you? So my favorite flower is I mean, it's so hard to pick this time of year. There's so many beautiful things, but I always say to like pick the different styles of flowers. I mean, I love flowers. I love flowers. I love flowers. I love flowers. I love flowers.

I love flowers. I love something like this. The renunculus in there and just a really beautiful mixed design is my favorite. These are really beautiful. I mean, you do. You have everything. I'm like, Oh, I love that one.

I love that one. I love that one. It's so hard to pick. What are some of your best sellers? So best sellers are actually the black rose. Perfect for Mother's Day. Okay Passion fruit and champagne. Okay So these are flavors of chocolates.

Black roses and flowers. So you have a very beautiful flower. Delicious actually crimper late. Oh, yum. Okay I want to try all this once I can reach over the flowers. Kim What is most popular regarding flowers? So I would say we have some best sellers on the table here. We have our pop of lavender, which is more of like a chic design.

It's a little bit more low and lush, compact, great if mom likes to hang out in the living room. Um and our blooming tote is over here. You can kind of see it. But these are great combination gifts because you can have a little mother's or you could put chocolates right next to it. And that's a great combination gift for mom. So that's one of my favorites. So I always say just to think about where mom spends the most time or what her favorite colors are and to let your local florist know and they can make something beautiful.

I love that idea of just putting little things with the flowers. And it really makes a big difference. He let's talk about how your chocolate is made. So they actually handmade every single day. So basically it's fresh cream with chocolate. So again, tempering actually is the most important factor of making chocolates because it has to shine. Oh.

Yes. And so we're looking at pictures here. Now what does tempering mean? So the temperature of the chocolate has grown to about no more than 120. Otherwise things will separate. So go back down to about 65 or so and then you bring it back up. So to make that sheen. Wow.

We don't think about that. We just pop it in our mouths and go, boy, that is good. But it takes a lot to go in there. Look at that all handmade. That's amazing. All right. Kim, once mom gets flowers, what should we do with them? Because I know very often they're going to wilt quickly if you don't do certain things.

Yeah. So the key to taking care of flowers and maintaining them to really last long is to change the water and give them a fresh cut every couple of days. What that does, it prevents bacteria from building up in the vase. And that's the number one killer of the flowers. So when you get your flowers, you want to make sure you cut them, put them in a fresh vase of water. And then every two days or so, you're going to take them out, dump the water out. And then it's great to take a paper towel and wipe the edge of the vase as well to get all that bacteria that might stick to the sides.

And then give the flowers a fresh cut, put them back in. And that's really the key to keeping them. I mean, there's a lot of household remedies, but like aspirin, sugar, but flowers don't have a headache. Oh, so we don't need all those remedies. The key is change the water. Sometimes they give you, they have like a little flower food packet that you guys get in a lot of bouquets when you get them. This is great to put it that first cut.

So you don't have to put it in right when you get them. But that second day or so when you give them a cut, you could dump this in. And then this helps prevent the bacteria from building as well. All right. Yeah. Can you tell us how your shop got started? So it's more of a fluke, if anything. I wanted to do wedding cakes.

But then I realized, you know, I don't like baking. So I started practicing at home with Chakas. And after five months, I decided to open a shop. So basically, it was really about experimenting the flavors and the chocolate, that's it. Wow. Five months. That's awesome.

That's pretty good. Yeah. And then I hear your flower shop is so many generations, fourth generation. Yeah. So I'm actually the fourth generation. So I work alongside my dad in the shop, which is really wonderful. And I'm very lucky to say that.

But my grandparents, my great grandparents, actually started right here in New York City in the flower market right on 28th Street. And they had that shop for over 60 years. My dad moved to Jersey, had his shop for 30 years. And then I took over almost nine years ago. So it's really fun. And now I have my nieces.com.

And you don't hear of many fourth generations. Yeah, definitely. And we love that everything's local. So thank you both so much for being here. And happy Mother's Day to you both. All right, we are going to be right back. I'm going to eat some chocolate.

Let's eat some chocolate. Yeah. Do it. Yeah.

CBS2 News at 9 a.m., cindy hsu, local tv, mother's day, new york, new york city, new jersey

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