Scientists: 4.5 billion-year-old meteorite hit New Jersey home

Scientists: 4.5 billion-year-old meteorite hit New Jersey home

the roof of a home in New Jersey is in fact from outer space. CBS 2's Christine Sloan talked to a scientist about this rare find. Came through here. Hit the floor here because that's completely damaged. It ricocheted up. To this part of the ceiling. And then finally coming down and resting just on the floor there.

Scientists say the rock that crashed into this New Jersey family's home is a two and a half pound stony chondrite meteorite and that it's as old as the beginning of the solar system. We suspect that it likely came from the asteroid belt that's between Mars and Jupiter, which it's more or less leftover debris from the formation of our solar system. So if we were to date it, it would probably come in at about four and a half billion years old, so it's just leftover stuff from when the solar system formed between Mars and Jupiter and a piece of it made its way to Earth, which is pretty cool. This geophysicist part of the team that examined the meteorite at the College of New Jersey, she says there've only been 100 witness sightings of chondrite meteorites falling onto Earth meteorites. They strike Earth, you know, fairly frequently, but finding them is difficult. And so anytime we find one, you get another little piece of evidence to help us build a meteorite. We're going to be able to do that.

We're going to be able to do that. We're also saying the meteorite was hot. Scientists say because it was probably smashing into other objects on its way down. The American Meteor Society also getting reports of flight streets and loud noises 40 miles away in Union Township. This as a meteorite entered the Earth. The meteorite is off limits right now because it's a meteorite that's been in the air for a long time. It's a meteorite that's been in the air for a long time.

In Union Township, New Jersey Christine Sloan CBS two news that is just beyond comprehension. I think somebody's trying to send us a signal. Fly sauce. There's somebody up there. Telling you about the bounce, though, the thing went up to the. How quickly it was coming down. Yeah, by the way, the meteorite will be eventually named after the nearest postal address, which will likely be.

CBS2 News At 6, Hopewell Township, New Jersey

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