Defense alludes to what motivated Crystal Smith the night Tristyn Bailey was murdered almost two...

Defense alludes to what motivated Crystal Smith the night Tristyn Bailey was murdered almost two...

Crystal Smith, the mother of convicted killer Aiden Fucci, is now inmate number 2416 for the next 30 days. She is preparing to spend her first night in jail for tampering with evidence in the murder of 13-year-old Tristan Bailey. Investigators say this home surveillance video showed her washing her son's bloody jeans hours after he stabbed his schoolmate to death. Today, Tristan's mother had a message for Smith. I have found over this moment in my head for more than two years now. What would I say to the woman who broke the law and caused so much pain to my family? Smith wept as Stacey Bailey spoke. She did not address the Bailey family directly.

Instead, her attorneys spoke on her behalf. She apologizes for any additional suffering her conduct caused the Bailey family. Moments later, Smith was handcuffed, then fingerprinted, then taken to the St. John's County Jail. Stacey Bailey told Crystal Smith she hopes she reflects this weekend on what she did as she spends Mother's Day in jail away from her other children. Our coverage at 6 begins with News for Jax reporter Marilyn Parker joining us live outside the St. John's County Jail.

Marilyn, the defense alluded to what motivated Crystal Smith that night almost two years ago. Yes, they said she was a frantic mother trying to figure out what was going on with her son. Then later, she learned about the horrific crime. Now, she'll spend the next 30 days here and up to five years on probation. 38-year-old Crystal Smith signs her paperwork before heading into the St. John's County Jail. It was after the video here.

They found this girl, right? And from inside her home, washing her son's bloody jeans, that Stacey Bailey says she hopes Smith can get back on track. Even today, I'm concerned about you. In the eyes of the law, your plea of no contest and the following adjudication of guilt are the same. As an individual, admitting your wrongdoings is a step in moving forward. The state says Aiden Fucci's mother tampered with evidence in the case hours after her son murdered Tristan Bailey. They negotiated with the defense and ultimately Smith wouldn't admit to the accusations and pleaded no contest. Evidence in the case was mostly against her.

Watch closely her conversation inside the interrogation room with Fucci. You want packets or foodings? Foodings. I'm sure it was not on the video. On the video? What? When we looked on the camera, you were wearing cat ears. Right? Mm-hmm. The world has seen the evidence of you washing the jeans. They have seen the video of you coaching Aiden to life.

I hope and pray that you will be able to fully admit your guilt one day and truly be sorry for your actions. And the pain that you have inflicted upon our family and our community. Bailey says she wondered if Smith ever considered her daughter's well-being. Smith apologized to the family in a letter during her son's sentencing and then through her attorney Friday, sniffling. Smith stood in court as Bailey got a chance to address the woman she says deeply hurt her family. I have tried to put myself in your shoes on that big, painful day. A thousand times, but I can't.

I can never get there because you see, I could never put someone else's child in harm's way for my own no matter the consequences. The choices that you made on Mother's Day in May 9, 2021 will haunt me for the rest of my life. And here's a statement from the state attorney's office. It says parents should always strive to teach their children integrity, honesty and responsibility. What the defendant did was not protecting her child. She was assisting him in avoiding responsibility for an extraordinarily vicious and merciless crime. And that is a crime in more ways than one.

After 30 days in jail, the five-year probation will begin. She can apply to terminate that probation after serving three years probation. Reporting live, Marilyn Parker, Channel 4, The Local Station.

Aiden Fucci, Crystal Smith, Murder, St. Johns County, Tampering With Evidence, Trial, Tristyn Bailey

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