FORECAST: Showers move in Sunday evening, stay on Monday

FORECAST: Showers move in Sunday evening, stay on Monday

time now for a check of your weather KJ Jacobs joining me right now. Busy in the weather center, you are tracking some fast moving storms it looks like that's right, Jane, but the good news is right now, they are weakening and we made it through much of our weekend without too much to worry about in the rain department. But I do want to show you a live look right now as you are noticing some darkening clouds overhead and this is coming in from Canopolis as we are entering that dinner hour. So if you do have plans outside, just heads up we do have a few more showers and storms out there, so just be mindful of the sky conditions as this is that indicator that you may want to head inside and have a plan B. Taking a look right now, this is radar you can see over the last couple of hours. Notice right here these storms were just a little bit stronger, but we advance it here about 616 now and they are much weaker. We do have this storm moving into the northwest side of Gaston County.

This is over Cherryville. That's one little cluster there, not detecting lightning with it, but we do have an isolated downpour there. You can see the line is broken as it approach approaches. See the 485 loop that outer loop, but we do have some showers and storms now moving towards Concord, Canopolis. That's why I started with that loop there. At least the sky cam view just to show you that we do have that cell moving towards Canopolis now current temperatures mid to upper 70s. A very warm afternoon.

We reached the low 80s for some areas today, but we do have that rain cooled air over the mountains and woodhills now after those showers and storms pushed through just over the last couple of hours. Overnight it will stay mild out there for tonight. Temperatures will be in the mid 60s. That's right. A very warm start to your day tomorrow will have a bit of a gray start to our day as we'll have some cloud cover out there early on. I do think we'll see some sunshine tomorrow. However, we will have another chance for some afternoon showers and storms for your Monday and again on your Tuesday.

Here's a look at your Monday afternoon, so we'll start off in the mid 60s. At daybreak notice how warm will warm up by 9 o'clock already at 70 by lunchtime tomorrow mid to upper 70s and the warmth continues into the afternoon and you can see why we'll have that Southwest push anytime that wind direction is coming in out of the Southwest. It's going to give us that spike in those temperatures into the afternoon. In addition, watch out for those afternoon shower and storm chances. Primarily about 345 o'clock going forward here. It'll be a summer like pattern into this week, so a stark contrast from last week. These temperatures are going to be in the low and mid 80s.

Day in and day out will have some muggy conditions into your afternoon hours and also watch out once again for those shower and storm chances. So let's take it to the maps now. We'll start off with a bit of a gray start to our day tomorrow, so more cloud cover than what we had this morning for tomorrow. Afternoon I'll advance it here. Not too many showers and storms out there, but the potential will be there for the next hour and thunderstorms for your Monday afternoon and will likely have some passing showers and storms early Tuesday. So the first half of your day, Tuesday by lunchtime, the guy roof and seven day forecast. A big warm up on average 78 is that average high temperature for this time of year 85 from Monday 89.

We may touch 90 for Tuesday. A little cooler by Wednesday, drier air as well by Thursday and once again by the end of the week, the warmth is not going to be the warm is not going anywhere fast. Will have these temperatures back in the 80s by the end of the week, even into the weekend.


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