Five notable moments from Trump’s CNN town hall

Five notable moments from Trump’s CNN town hall

Tonight's CNN gave former President Donald Trump a live town hall forum and he once again claimed the election was rigged and defended the throngs of Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol a few weeks later. The former president also claims this week's verdict that found him liable for sexual abuse was rigged. He also called the overturning of Roe v. Wade a great victory. He said a lot of things tonight. KTLA Samantha Cortes a live in the news center with a closer look tonight. Sharon Micah tonight for more than an hour.

Former president and again candidate Trump spoke about key issues surrounding his campaign and personal life, refusing to back down on some controversial topics. Here are just a few of the key points from a very fiery town hall. In his first appearance on CNN since the 2016 election, former President Trump answered questions from CNN journalist Caitlin Collins in a New Hampshire town hall. Right off the top, Collins asked if he admits to losing the 2020 election. Unless you're a very stupid person, you see what happens. The former president did not concede defeat. It was a rigged election and it's a shame that we had to go through it.

It's very bad for our country all over the world. They looked at it. He also said he would accept the 2024 election results if it's quote an honest election. On foreign affairs, Trump was asked who he wants to win the war between Russia and Ukraine. I want everybody to stop dying. They're dying. Russians and Ukrainians.

I want them to stop dying. And I'll have that done. I'll have that done in 24 hours. I'll have it done. Trump said Europe should be footing more of the bill and it takes a strong president to get that to happen. He also said the war would have never happened had he won in 2020. Regarding abortion.

A very complex issue for the country. You have people on both sides of an issue, but we are now in a very strong position, pro-life people are in a strong position to make a deal that's going to be good and going to be satisfactory for them. He did not say whether he would sign a federal abortion ban but called pro-choice advocates extremists and said overturning Roe v. Wade was a great victory. On the economy, Trump took a question from the audience. What is the first thing you would do to help bring down the cost to make things more affordable? Drill baby drill. We're energy independent, soon to be energy dominant.

This place was rocking and then we were given a gift from China. Another mention of China when President Trump was asked about classified documents and the raid on his estate at Mar-a-Lago. Do you have the Presidential Records Act? I was there and I took what I took and it gets declassified. Biden on the other hand, he has 1,850 boxes. He had boxes sent to Chinatown. Collins pushed back on this issue. It led to this now trending moment.

Can I talk? Yeah, what's the answer? Can you mind? I would like for you to answer the question. Okay, it's very simple to answer. That's why I asked it. It's very simple to, you are a nasty person. President Biden reacted to the town hall tonight saying it's simple folks, do you want four more years of that? In the news center, Samantha Cortese, Sharon Micah, back to you. Sam, thank you.

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