Ukrainian commander says Russian offensive in Bakhmut has stalled | GMA

Ukrainian commander says Russian offensive in Bakhmut has stalled | GMA

the war in Ukraine and new talk of nuclear weapons. Russian President Putin saying he's going to send tactical nuclear weapons to neighboring Belarus. ABC's Tom Sufi Birch has more now from Ukraine. This morning, Russia moving its nuclear weapon threat beyond its borders. President Putin on Russian state TV, planning to deploy tactical nuclear weapons, designed for limited strikes on the battlefield into Belarus. The regime there a long time ally of Putin. The Russian leader claiming he's responding to the UK supplying Ukraine with depleted uranium tank shells.

The Kremlin falsely claiming the shells contain nuclear components. The US monitoring the situation, a senior US official saying there are no indications Moscow is preparing to use nuclear weapons. Russia ratcheting up the rhetoric as brutal artillery battles in the east draining Ukrainian ammunition stocks. With President Zelensky telling a leading Japanese newspaper he cannot start a new offensive due to a lack of ammunition and arms. But positive signs for Ukraine in the brutal battle for Bakhmut. Western officials claiming Russia's offensive there stalling a drone capturing the devastation in the city. With Ukraine's top commander General Zeluzhnik saying the situation is being stabilized.

On that move by Russia to move nukes into Belarus, a senior Ukrainian official hitting back this morning saying the Kremlin has taken Belarus as a nuclear hostage. Thanks for watching.

News, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-98133800, Ukraine, Ukraine war, commander, Russia, army, military, offensive, nuclear weapons, Vladimir Putin, Belarus, ABC News, GMA

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