Tekashi69 attacked inside Florida gym

Tekashi69 attacked inside Florida gym

the scene. We're going to go back to the story. And welcome back to the factor on since it so far. No arrests have been made after rapper rapper Takashi 69 was attacked inside of a Florida gym. The rapper was bruised and bloody after a group of men ambushed him in a sauna. None of those injuries were life threatening video leaked part of the assault on TMZ and other platforms. You know, the guy who was in the fight.

He was in the fight with a man who was in the fight that occurred involving him and other individuals at LA X. Now my next guests are here to talk about it, including a fan and someone who is I don't want to call him a fan. Someone who actually has met him multiple times. Call him an associate because we want to say friend joining me now. I'm the factor of DJs. Sneak DJ superstar and I'm the one who's been working with him. And when you saw this video, first of all, what were your thoughts seeing someone you knew? Attack like this? Honestly, it did upset me because I know that he's truly a good person.

You know, I got to have a conversation with him. He kind of explained why he does what he does. Although it's not right. I seen that he's a good person. He's really humble. He's the most humble, famous person you'll ever be. And I had that same experience here on the factor.

I'm gonna say, you know, he was a great person. He was a great person. He was a great person. He was a great person. He was a great person. He was a great person. He was a great person.

He was a great person. He was gracious. He was respectful, except when he said the F word. I'm a state. But so many people superstar hate him, man. This wasn't even enough for him. I don't hate him because I don't know him like that.

And I do not condone violence, but I mean, come on. He kind of had it coming. He kind of, you know, had it coming. He was a great person. He was a great person. He was a great person. He was a great person.

He was a great person. He was a great person. I'm glad you're saying from him, and I know you have seen because we've all seen it. I just want you to lay it out. How how do you think he deserves this? What have you seen as a result of this behavior in the past? What is offensive about his behavior? I say offensive because some of his behavior is offensive. It's like he has no code. You know what I'm saying? And it's like he says these things.

He's like, I'm the ish. You see sneakers. I don't like that. I'm sorry. He was so sad back there. He was so sad back there after being this specialized by the whole world. He loves it.

He's not a representative to the rap culture. So what did he say? Why does he act like that? He said he just does it to get his like popesly out there, but he doesn't really mean what he does. He's like, I'm actually a good person. So let me just get beat up. T. Gray has to be a good person. I'm not saying that.

I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. But you get what you asked for. And so to speak, if you present this character and you want to really, you know, you're going to live this and you're going to troll people and you're going to shoot at people and have people shot at and all these other things. Things come back to you. Not saying that he didn't beat up in the gym in the sauna was was he deserved that. I'm not saying that, but you get what you asked for on here.

So you got to be careful when you're living this character and you present this character. You got to stand up. You got to stand up. You got to stand up. You got to stand up. You got to stand up. You got to stand up.

It's just what I'm saying. Will he beat him up in the sauna? Just say. Will he just say. I'm just saying really, but those guys have nothing to do with it. There's a lot of people that hate him just to hate him just from what they see on the Internet. Because that's what he does. That is what that is.

Do you know the situation? Do you know the situation as far as in the gym? Those dudes, He's been going to the gym. I mean, I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Yeah, he said he would have jumped in.

He said he would have took one for the team. Oh my God. Oh my God. I can't believe this. Superstar T grade both of you a high profile. DJs here in town personalities, but you guys know what it's like to have someone hate you from afar and not know you. That is true.

That is you. Here's is, you know that's what it's like for me. He's like, oh, I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure if he was really feeling it. Everyone sees it bad. He does no one sees all the good.

He's always giving out money to people in other countries. He's doing a lot of things. These other rappers should be asking this, which is he promoting more. Is he promoting? He does both. But everybody notices the bad just like everything just equally promote what the good. Yeah, he does. If you go look at especially now because he got out of jail and everything.

So it's different. What about before he went to jail? He was still doing that. He was still giving out money. Helping a lot of people out. And I'll tell you, he's like, I'm not sure if he's promoting. I'm not sure. He's like, I'm not sure.

He's like, I'm not sure. He's like, I'm not sure. It's like they say you can do 100 good things for someone, but they'll always remember the bad. Oh my God. He's not a whole bunch of men. Representative for Tocashi 69. Thank you guys.

As in fact, the G's DJs for joining us. You're watching the factor. We'll be back.

isiah-factor-uncensored, kriv, Isiah Carey

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