Oracle shares tumble after cloud business fails to meet growth expectations

Oracle shares tumble after cloud business fails to meet growth expectations

Welcome back to Swackbox. Oracle shares their tumbling earnings beating estimates but revenue falling short the company's cloud business failing to meet expectations for higher growth on the call last night to the company's chairman Larry Ellison weighing in on AI and chat GBT comparing it to Oracle's own AI tech. We've actually shown or I should say MD Anderson has actually shown if you use the system you reduce hospital admissions and readmissions by 30%. That's a stunning number. People talk about chat GBT being really cool because it can write my high school essay for me. Well how about reducing the hospital readmissions at MD Anderson by 30% you decide which is more important. Oracle also raising its dividend by 25% but Larry Ellison effectively gloves off saying you know what there's there's cool and there's really cool.

Yeah and he may not be wrong. When you hear promises of that that kind of changes my opinion of a lot of the concerns that are out there today I think you're gonna have to keep an eye on both issues but the promise is something we don't want to lose sight of either. Absolutely shares of retailer gap they're falling you wearing gaff these days giving up on gap. Not lately I mean I you know me I don't get out of the house to shop a lot stuff that I order online more than anything. There's one I've been to one because there's one block over fourth quarter earnings and revenue missed estimates maybe that's you know missing estimates I bought socks there years ago warned of a first quarter and full year revenue drop analysts were expecting modest gains the retailer also owns the Natter Republic I used to used to shop at the Natter Republic Old Navy and the Athleta also announcing a series of executive changes in a search for a permanent CEO.

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