Gov. DeSantis seeks to expand Don't Say Gay rule

Gov. DeSantis seeks to expand Don't Say Gay rule

Governor Ron DeSantis' administration is hoping to expand the Parental Rights and Education Bill or what critics call the Don't Say Gay Law to all grades. If passed, this means that any teaching of sexual orientation or gender identity will be forbidden in Florida even in high schools. Thank you for joining us. I'm Elliott Rodriguez. And I'm Lauren Pastrana, CBS News, Miami's Anna McAllister is live in the newsroom with the details tonight. Anna? And Elliott, this proposal wouldn't go through the state legislature, but is rather ruled the state board of education will vote on. Governor DeSantis and his supporters say they're trying to protect children, but many of the governor's opponents say this is a dangerous move.

In the state of Florida, parents have a fundamental role in the education, health care and well-being of their children. We will not move from that. I don't care what corporate media outlets say. I don't care what Hollywood says. I don't care what big corporations say. Here I stand. Governor Ron DeSantis has made his stance on discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity in schools loud and clear.

The governor first signing the controversial Don't Say Gay Bill last year that initially applied to kindergarten through third grade. Now his administration is proposing a rule that would forbid those conversations through 12th grade. It would be a double down on book censorship. It would be a double down on intimidation for teachers. And it would be a double down on sweeping censorship in K-12 public classrooms and would do enormous harm. The fate of this proposal will fall into the hands of the state board of education as they will vote on it. The White House commenting on the latest development.

It's wrong. It's completely, utterly wrong. And we've been very crystal clear about that when it comes to the Don't Say Gay Bill. Florida Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz Jr. quickly responding to the White House's comment with this tweet that reads, Students should be spending their time in school learning core academic subjects, not being force-fed, radical gender and sexual ideology. In Florida, we're preserving the right of kids to be kids. Protesters in Fort Lauderdale taking their frustrations to the Broward County School Board Wednesday afternoon.

While Governor DeSantis and his supporters believe the topic of sexual orientation and gender identity are inappropriate in schools, others argue that it discriminates against the LBGTQ community. And the Florida Board of Education will vote on this rule next month and if it passes, it means that any teacher who discusses these topics could be fired and have their teaching license revoked. For now, reporting live in the newsroom, Anna McAllister, CBS News, Miami.

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