A look at the bipartisan U.S. proposal that could lead to a nationwide TikTok ban

A look at the bipartisan U.S. proposal that could lead to a nationwide TikTok ban

TikTok may soon be taken out. What I can tell you is that we have certainly made clear some of our national security concerns with respect to the TikTok application, which is why it's not authorized for use on government devices. A bipartisan group of 12 senators have unveiled legislation Tuesday that boosts President Joe Biden's ability to place a nationwide ban on TikTok. When it comes to platforms and products owned by foreign adversaries like the CCP, there is next to no transparency for users about where their data is being stored and what the information is being used for. The proposed law called Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act doesn't specifically name-check TikTok, but it would give the U.S. more powers, like a ban, against foreign software deemed a national security risk by the Commerce Department.

I'm really proud to support this legislation and join my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to do something which is necessary, overdue, and critical to get passed as soon as possible. TikTok spokeswoman Brooke Oberwetter issued a statement that says a possible U.S. ban would have a quote, considerable negative impact on the free speech rights of millions of Americans. I'm John Lorrain's reporting.

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