Legal experts say indictments likely coming following partial release of election grand jury report

Legal experts say indictments likely coming following partial release of election grand jury report

Two former prosecutors believe criminal charges could be coming from the Trump grand jury. A judge released part of the special purpose grand jury's report Thursday. Channel 2's Richard Elliott live at the state capitol now with why both believe Fulton county will seek racketeering charges in this case. Richard. And that special grand jury investigated a lot of things including claims of widespread voter fraud made right in this committee room in 2020. The grand jury found no voter fraud and did say they believe the witnesses lied to them under oath. Fulton's district attorney could use those perjury allegations to seek indictments under George's RICO statute.

Both pointed out that while perjury is very difficult to prove in court by itself, it can be used in a RICO case. That's racketeering. A RICO charge has what we call predicate acts. That means crimes are alleged in the RICO charge itself and you only have to prove two of them. It is a predicate act under RICO which to me also cuts towards that maybe the way that she's going to go. Both also point out the DA Fonnie Willis has extensive RICO experience as do other attorneys at her office. They say since the special grand jury found no evidence of widespread voter fraud, those who pushed those claims may be most at risk for indictment and that could include Rudy Giuliani and his team shown here making those claims to a state senate subcommittee.

Both Fleming and Morgan worked with special purpose grand juries before so we asked them what comes next. They say Willis will have to go through the evidence and see if there is enough to indict and who. What elements can you prove who committed the acts that relate to those elements and you make your best case before a jury if it gets to them? Jay Tom Morgan believes that the Fonnie Willis probably has most of the information she needs and may seek those indictments sooner rather than later. We're live at the state capitol. Richard Elliott, Channel 2 Action News.

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