Launch date postponed for SpaceX Crew-6

Launch date postponed for SpaceX Crew-6

hours after the four astronauts who make up the crew six mission landed at the Kennedy Space Center, NASA and SpaceX announced its delay. Yeah, it's been pushed back by a day. Our Space Coast Bureau Chief Scott Heiler joins us live now and Scott, it's busy out there. Hopefully this doesn't disrupt things too much out there at the Cape. Yeah, well, it's not that big of a delay. Just under 24 hours now. Early morning on Monday at 145 is the set launch time now.

Now this delay was announced at a flight readiness review for crew six. NASA leadership and mission managers characterizing the cause of the delay as everything is a go pending some open work, one saying they're a little behind and getting the crew Dragon craft and the Falcon nine rocket that will take it to low Earth orbit ready for launch. But with a crew of four astronauts, the flight readiness review is a critical step before launch. I think the important thing is that we never forget the vigilance and we maintain that and don't get lulled into complacency that oh, the rocket launches every week and it's no big deal, especially when you have humans on board. This is a very different game than even a billion dollar satellite. The NASA SpaceX crew six mission is commanded and piloted by two NASA astronauts includes a Russian cosmonaut and an astronaut from the United Arab Emirates on the first long term mission for the country. Crew six will work on the International Space Station for six months.

The mission comes as the Cape wraps up for its busiest year yet. Last year, there were 57 launches at the Cape and that was a record year. So they are predicting close to 100 launches this year. That is certainly smashing the record from last year. So what's the impact of delays like crew sixes? But it means, you know, more coordination with our friends across the board, which is is is great. We work well with all of our partners. Space Florida has started a working group with all entities on the Cape looking to ensure coordination and try to deal with potential issues now before they grow as the pace of launches soar.

And back to crew six as things march back toward that launch early Monday morning. We're gonna keep a very close eye on it. The next steps right now is a static test firing of that Falcon nine rocket on Friday. Then later that night, we'll hear about it. We'll hear the details about how the launch is going in a pre launch press conference reporting live on the Space Coast. Scott Heidler, West two news. Mhm.

Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm.


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