Is Gov. Ron DeSantis laying groundwork for presidential announcement?

Is Gov. Ron DeSantis laying groundwork for presidential announcement?

for a Saunders at the Capitol, a new book on the shelves travel to key primary states as well as a regular session jam packed with his priorities. It sure looks like Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis is running for president, but that's something he continues to dismiss. Governor Ron DeSantis all over Fox News Tuesday morning. The woke left states are failing and the freedom focus states are succeeding. Promoting this, the courage to be free Florida's blueprint for America's revival. It's a new book he penned and partly narrates. People have clearly responded to our leadership in Florida, but is it also a blueprint for a presidential bid? The governor remained vague about his future when asked.

We're going to do some stuff on the book, tell the story of Florida and then deliver a lot of victories and then once the dust settles from that you know we can see where things lay. The launch only furthers already sky high anticipation that DeSantis is running once this year's legislative session concludes in May. Florida is leading the nation and the book comes on top of this new ad from his political committee and reporting that he'll soon be traveling to Iowa New Hampshire, Nevada and perhaps other crucial primary states. If the governor isn't positioning for presidential run, I'm not sure what he's doing. That's John Thomas who created the first DeSantis presidential pack run to the rescue in hopes the governor will announce. Thomas now has 10 staffers on board and about 20 million in commitments if a run happens. We fully anticipate that if and when he does get in this race he will not only be a top contender but he will be a frontrunner for the Republican nomination.

Democrats meanwhile denounce the governor for they say focusing on his future and not the states leaving Florida with an affordability crisis. Miami now ranks as the least affordable housing market in the entire country. This is on Ron DeSantis. The new chair, the state Democrats, Nikki Fried, vowed to revolutionize the party in coming months targeting DeSantis and fellow Republicans. That's after Dems suffered stunning defeats in the midterms not to mention Fried's own primary loss for governor. What you'll see now is a Democratic party that is going to stand united. United to take on this fascist regime that is the Republican Party of Florida and we will be successful.

Democrats seem to be ramping up as the governor is perhaps saddling up for the White House. DeSantis announcement would of course pit him against former president Donald Trump in the race for the GOP presidential nomination. Trump's campaign out with a statement on Tuesday saying quote, Fox is working overtime for DeSantis but they are failing. Look at the polls. We are mega. That is the latest out here at the Capitol on Forest Sounders reporting.

Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis, The Courage to Be Free

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