Go to Cocaine Bear and eat a bear claw from Vincent Van Doughnut

Go to Cocaine Bear and eat a bear claw from Vincent Van Doughnut

Good afternoon St. Louis and welcome to Studio STL presented by Campbell Mattress. I'm your host Chelsea Haynes and we are clawing our way to Friday because well we're talking about cocaine bears. It was a big story back in 1985 a drug runners plane dove into the woods dropping cocaine and well a bear got a hold of it consumed it and in real life that bear passed away but that didn't stop Hollywood. A cocaine bear is coming out on a Friday and you can get your hands on some bear claws from Vincent Van Donut joining us now is Vincent Marzen. Vincent thanks for being here with us today. Hey thanks for having me.

I love that. I mean let's talk about we'll get back to the movie but let's talk about you your donut shop how did you guys get started? We started with the food truck back in 2013 and then just kind of grew I got actually invited to come onto a TV show at the time it was called Donut Showdown and we won and then that got me 10 grand Canadian unfortunately didn't transfer. Oh Don. Those Canadians. Yeah. But as our first fryer opened a shop in Clayton which is now gone we're looking to open another one and we have a shop in The Grove which is where you can find all of these treats and this Friday you'll be able to find our bear claws in promotion of the movie. Oh my gosh now that is pretty awesome this is going to be a great movie but tell me about what makes your bear claw so special.

Well we do everything from scratch that's all I can say I mean we're proprietary so we don't use a bag mix everything's hand cut everything all the toppings all that stuff the caramels the fillings we make everything from scratch these are our regular we do about 20 different flavors of donuts a day but then we do fun stuff too and this is certainly one of the more fun things I've done in a while. I mean and talk about some donuts they're not just your regular regular donuts I mean just look at the size of these babies I mean they're big they're bigger than my face I mean can't you see me for these donuts what's your favorite on the menu? Personally I think the lemon lavender which is my wife's creation yeah lemon lavender is one of our best sellers the maple bacon here with candy bacon a little touch of cayenne you got a french toast next to that cookies and cream this is a filled one that has cheesecake in the center and then the pie filling in the top. Wait there's what in the center? It's a filled it's like an open-face filled donut. Cheesecake in the middle of a donut? That one's darn good. Oh my gosh. A coffee one salted caramel cookies that's a cookie crumble it's an in-house made streusel with caramel and a cheesecake glaze oh my gosh I probably picked up one of my favorites I can't wait to try that lemon lavender and I mean come on look at all of the powdered sugar coming off of the table how cool is it to be partnering up with this movie that's been inspired by true events to create a bear claw for the public yeah it's something else we were certainly happy to get the phone call and we're happy to partake this Friday is when we're going to be doing it we're going to be giving the first 25 people a free bear claw and promotion of the day when the movie opens which is this Friday the 24th. Well St.

Louis if you haven't checked out the trailer for cocaine bear it is quite literally hilarious go check it out this afternoon it's pretty funny it's like a dramedy very in your face it's a good movie that you can check out and you can get a free bear claw from Vincent Van Donuts one of the best donut shops in town and get a free one and then buy some more for the rest of your family your loved ones to enjoy gotta try his wife's favorite that lemon lavender maybe this streusel cookie crumble oh my gosh my mouth is watering well St. Louis I'm gonna try these donuts and while you guys are getting up to date on your news headlines we're sending things inside of our Foxy news studio with news anchor Amelia McGarver oh hey.

interviews, guests, lifestyle, st. louis, stl

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