8 hurt in truck ‘rampage’ in Brooklyn

8 hurt in truck ‘rampage’ in Brooklyn

Well that breaking news tonight chaos in Brooklyn described by the police commissioner as a violent rampage eight people hurt after being struck by a U hall that blew through neighborhoods driving on sidewalks as well as the street. Thanks so much for joining us for the Pixel of the News at Forum, Tamsen Fidel. And I'm Erin E. LeBeau. Now the driver of the truck is in police custody and we just received this photo of him from police sources. The man's son identifying him as Wingsor saying his father was living in Las Vegas before showing up recently in New York. Police sources say the 62 year old has a criminal history and expressed suicidal thoughts while being taken to the precinct.

They also tell us he rented the U hall out of state. Police commissioner says as of now there's no indication terrorism is involved. Eight people are heard including two critically among the injured a police officer. The cast started in Bay Ridge where several pedestrians and ebike riders were hit. Police finally stopping the driver more than three miles away in Red Hook. Now that's where we find Pixel 11's Ayanna Harry who joins us live with the latest Ayanna. Tamsen and Aarony.

It was an intense police chase officers followed that you hall from Bay Ridge all the way here to Red Hook. I want to step aside and show you the scene. They finally got that suspect into custody here at Columbia Street in Hamilton Avenue. We're told the you hold truck was stuck behind cars out of red light. The driver then took the truck onto the sidewalk in an effort to get away. But then a police a vehicle was able to block him in and get that suspect into custody. Finally ending a violent rampage in total.

Eight people were injured including a police officer. Two of those people are in critical condition and we're told at least three were riding on ebikes when they were struck by this you hall. This all began late this morning on Fifth Avenue in Bay Ridge. We're detectives say a man behind the wheel of a you hall began driving recklessly onto bike lanes and sidewalks, injuring people at several locations and not just in Bay Ridge but also injuring people in Sunset Park before officers were finally able to corner that you haul truck in here near the Hugh L. Kerry tunnel. Now about the driver and we do now have a picture of this driver, a 62 year old man when sore. He was living in Las Vegas before recently arriving in New York in police cell.

Picks 11 so rented the you hall in his own name out of state and he expressed suicidal thoughts after being taken into custody this afternoon. Police commissioner key shot. So praise the actions of the responding officers. What we saw today is a clear example why every moment of every day. The NYPD must be prepared for every possibility. We don't know who this person is. We don't know what his aim was.

What kind of harm he intended to do. Tamsen and Ernie earlier during the day, police vehicles were seen chasing after that you haul even going on to the sidewalk. We did ask the police commissioner about that practice. She tells us it is also under investigation. But again, eight people injured to in critical condition reporting live from Red Hook, Brooklyn, I'm Harry X 11 news. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

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