Back to School Spending Surge: Families Prepare for Higher Costs

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  • A surge in back to school spending is expected as students prepare to return to classrooms.
  • The average American household will spend nearly $1,500 on back to school supplies, electronics, and clothes.
  • To mitigate costs, consider taking stock of existing items, setting a budget, buying in bulk, and avoiding splurging on new electronics.
  • Look into swapping or passing down items to save on expenses.
  • Wait until class requirements are known before making additional purchases.
  • Back to School Week at KDKA will provide valuable insights and tips for a smoother transition.

A surge in back to school spending is expected as students nationwide get ready to return to the classroom. Families are bracing themselves for a higher price tag this year, with experts predicting an increase in back to school expenses. On average, American households will spend nearly $1,500 on back to school supplies, electronics, and clothes.

1. Taking Stock and Budgeting

A few things you can do to mitigate costs include taking stock of what you already have and setting a budget for supplies.

2. Buy in Bulk and Avoid Splurging

Another way to save is to buy in bulk and resist splurging on the newest electronics.

3. Consider Swapping or Passing Down Items

Look into items that can be swapped or passed down, such as a graduated senior's graphing calculator that is no longer needed.

4. Wait for Class Requirements

Wait until your children get into their classes and see what the teachers are actually asking for before making additional purchases.

5. The Rising Costs

The cost for going back to school has increased by over $250 compared to last year's average spending.

6. Back to School Week at KDKA

Join us Monday morning to kick off Back to School Week at KDKA, where we'll share stories and tips to make the transition from summer to school a little easier.

7. Homework Help

If you've ever had trouble with your kids' homework, our Back to School coverage will be here to help out all week starting Monday on KDKA.

Prepare for the back to school season by planning ahead and finding ways to save on expenses. With a little preparation, families can ensure a smooth transition from summer vacation to the classroom. Stay tuned to KDKA for valuable tips and insights throughout Back to School Week.

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