Afghan Women Struggle to Survive Amid Taliban Rule

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  • Afghan women's lives have been profoundly affected by the Taliban's rise to power, resulting in eroding rights and freedoms.
  • Despite restrictions, women like Mariam show resilience and determination in pursuing opportunities and education.
  • Taliban rhetoric about respecting women's rights contradicts their actions, with evidence of curtailed freedoms.
  • While some positive changes have occurred under Taliban rule, challenges such as security threats persist, impacting civilians.

Since the Taliban's rise to power in Afghanistan, women's lives have been profoundly affected, with their rights and freedoms eroding under the Taliban-led administration.

Life under Taliban Rule

Two years ago, the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan, bringing about significant changes in the lives of Afghan women. Mariam, a 27-year-old woman, experienced a series of challenges: from losing her job as a database officer due to the closure of an education project, to becoming a teacher at a girls' school, only to be barred from teaching as the Taliban banned girls from attending school. Determined not to be defeated, Mariam started a sewing workshop to empower unemployed colleagues.

Resilience Amid Adversity

Mariam's story highlights the unwavering determination of Afghan women. Despite the Taliban's restrictions on education and opportunities, Mariam remains steadfast in her pursuit of knowledge and progress. She believes in utilizing her mind to overcome obstacles and contribute to her community, exemplifying resilience in the face of adversity.

Erosion of Rights and Freedoms

Since the Taliban's capture of Kabul in 2021, women's rights and freedoms have steadily declined. The Western-backed governments' policies that granted women various rights have been replaced with Taliban-imposed restrictions. The once-enjoyed liberties have been replaced with limitations, leaving Afghan women with a sense of loss and frustration.

Taliban's Mixed Message

The Taliban claim to respect women's rights within their interpretation of Islamic law, yet their actions tell a different story. Female aid agency employees have been sidelined, beauty salons shuttered, and women's movement curtailed. The discrepancy between the Taliban's rhetoric and their actual policies raises questions about their true intentions.

A Glimpse of Change

Amid the challenges, Afghanistan has witnessed signs of change under the Taliban's rule. Corruption has reportedly decreased, and efforts to curb narcotics cultivation have led to a significant reduction in poppy production. However, the country is not without its challenges, as sporadic attacks on civilians persist, some attributed to the Taliban's rivals, the Islamic State.

The evolving situation in Afghanistan underscores the struggles faced by women under Taliban rule and the complex dynamics at play in the region.

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