Netflix co-CEO: We are ‘super committed’ to reaching agreement with striking actors and writers

Netflix Co-CEO: Commitment to Resolving Strike with Actors and Writers

Netflix Co-CEO: Commitment to Resolving Strike with Actors and Writers


  • Netflix co-CEO speaks about his personal connection to unions and strikes.
  • Expresses commitment to reaching an agreement with striking actors and writers.
  • Recognizes the challenges and complexity of the issues at hand.
  • Desires an equitable agreement to pave the way for the future of the industry.


The co-CEO of Netflix, in a recent statement, highlighted his strong dedication to finding a resolution with the actors and writers currently on strike. Drawing from his upbringing in a union household and the memories of his father being on strike as an electrician, he emphasized the financial and emotional toll that strikes can have on families. Despite the challenges, the co-CEO assured that everyone involved in the negotiation process is taking the matter seriously.


Recalling his past experiences, the co-CEO shared that he was raised in a family where unions played a crucial role. His father, a member of IBEW Local 640 and a union electrician, made unions an integral part of their lives while growing up. The memories of his father being on strike had a profound impact on him, as he witnessed firsthand the hardships faced by families during such times.

Addressing the ongoing strike involving actors and writers, the co-CEO emphasized that the situation demands immediate attention. He acknowledged the complexity of the issues involved and expressed the company's unwavering commitment to arriving at a fair and amicable agreement as swiftly as possible. The ultimate goal is to create a resolution that not only addresses the concerns of all parties but also paves the way for a thriving and sustainable future for the industry.


The commitment shown by the co-CEO of Netflix demonstrates the seriousness with which the entertainment industry is approaching the current strike situation. As negotiations continue, all parties involved will need to work together to find common ground and ensure the best possible outcome for everyone. With both financial and emotional stakes at play, the resolution will be critical for the stability and growth of the industry.

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